I'm developing a practice program that simply converts a temperature value from fahrenheit to celsius when the user enters an integer, selects a radio button and then clicks a button.

I'm having trouble testing if the user has selected a radio button. In the click event method for the calculate button, an if statement tests if the text box is empty and displays a message in a result label if it is (this works). If there is a valid entry, then a second if statement checks if neither of the radio buttons is checked, and if that is the case, it should display a message to that effect in the result label. This is not working.

If no radio button is selected, the program does nothing. Here's the code:

if (textBox.Text == "")
   labelResult = "Please enter a temperature to convert.";
   if ((radiobutton1.Checked == false) && (radiobutton.Checked == false)
      labelResult = "Please select a conversion type to perform":

The code compiles, but again, it's as if the second condition is not being tested. I can't tell if the problem is with the second "if" expression, or of the code block is not written correctly. I could just set one of the radio buttons to be automatically selected when the program runs, but I thinkI may need to perform this kind of task in another, future situation, so I want to know what I'm doing/not doing.

Any ideas?

try this:

if (textBox.Text == "")
   labelResult = "Please enter a temperature to convert.";
   if (!radiobutton1.Checked && !radiobutton.Checked)
      labelResult = "Please select a conversion type to perform";

Awesome! That worked.

I didn't know I could use the "not" operator (!) in that kind of situation. That simplifies a lot of things I had been thinking about for some other concepts.

Also, after studyng this code, I think can see why the second "if-else" statements needed to be bracketed. The example in the book I'm studying with was using recursive "if" statements to test the same condition against multiple possibilities; in this case, I'm testing two different conditions. Am I understanding this correctly?

At any rate, thanks for the solution. I guess I was trying to make it more complex than it needed to be.

actually, I'm not 100% sure what was wrong with it the 1st time. it shouldn't even compile the way you had it listed.

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