Hi, I have an assignment that requires me to write out the code for a game.
It involves 3 columns and random numbers between 0-100, so you have to place a random number into each column and as soon as the number below gets bigger, the game finishes. The main aim of the game is to go as many rounds as you can.
Could i get some help please. thanks.
Running program
Round: 1 column 1:0 column 2:0 column 3:0
In which column to put number 42?1
Round: 2 column 1:42 column 2:0 column 3:0
In which column to put number 68?3
Round: 3 column 1:42 column 2:0 column 3:68
In which column to put number 35?2
Round: 4 column 1:42 column 2:35 column 3:68
In which column to put number 1?1
Game Over. You'ver reached Round 4.