Hello, I am new to VBscripting and hope someone can help clarify the split options. I just started learning VBscrpiting a few weeks ago and Im trying to figure out how to do something. I haven't learned anything other than the basics so this question might seem super simple.
If I have an inputbox and lets say I punch in a string consisting of this... test,script!are:Awsome@
and I wanted the following message box to split apart my line piece by piece.. I want to give an explaination message of each word. I figured out how to split them, but I cant figure out how to split with different symbols then display a message with them. for example if I was trying to brake a web address up or something I would need to split the domain: from the hostname// and the hostname from the Toplevel domain (.) and explain each part seperatly, but they are seperated by different characters.. like : / .
I want to input a line then display a msgbox that contains a description of each split. like this.
Test = a series of questions or exercises
script = an original or principal instrument or document
are = to include
Awesome = expressive of awe
Basically I am trying to pull apart an input, display it in a message box and define it as well. seems simple, but turns out I can figure out the split function.