Hello. Nearly finish this project, but can't sort the last code. I have faculty, staff, & partime employees, and they have ID, and what I want to do is sort by ascending order them based on their #ID. Everything else works before that. Here is my two codes, the Tester, and my Partime class code.
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TestEmployee implements EmployeeInfo{
public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
* Part A: output all employee from Staff, Faculty, and partime.
double sum=0,total=0;
DataItem[] emp = new Employee[9];
Calendar staffBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar facultyBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
Calendar partimeBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
staffBirthDate.set(1959, 2, 23);// Scott Chan
emp[0] = new Staff("Chan, Scott", 123, 'M', staffBirthDate, 35.00);
staffBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
staffBirthDate.set(1964, 7, 12);// Brian Salinas
emp[1] = new Staff("Salinas, Brian", 456, 'F', staffBirthDate, 30.00);
staffBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
staffBirthDate.set(1970, 6, 2);// Allen Weir
emp[2] = new Staff("Weir, Allen", 789, 'M', staffBirthDate, 22.00);
facultyBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
facultyBirthDate.set(1962, 4, 27);
emp[3] = new Faculty("Im, Lee", 243, 'F', facultyBirthDate, "Full", "PH.D", "Engineering", "3");
facultyBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
facultyBirthDate.set(1975, 3, 14);//
emp[4] = new Faculty("Bui, Thung", 791, 'F', facultyBirthDate, "Associate", "PH.D", "English", "1");
facultyBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
facultyBirthDate.set(1980, 5, 22);//
emp[5] = new Faculty("Monreno, Maria", 623, 'F', facultyBirthDate, "Assistant", "MS", "Physical Education", "0");
System.out.println("\nTotal montly Salary for all employees");
partimeBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
partimeBirthDate.set(1977, 8, 10);
emp[6] = new Partime("Lee, Chesong", 455, 'F', partimeBirthDate, 20, 35.00);
partimeBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
partimeBirthDate.set(1987, 9, 15);
emp[7] = new Partime("Garcia, Frank", 678, 'M', partimeBirthDate, 25, 30.00);
partimeBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
partimeBirthDate.set(1980, 8, 22);//
emp[8] = new Partime("Alquilo, Roscoe", 945, 'M', partimeBirthDate, 30, 20.00);
for(int i = 0; i<emp.length;i++)
if(emp[i] instanceof Staff)
}//end of if statement
if(emp[i] instanceof Faculty)
}//end of if statement
}// end of for loop
System.out.println("\nTotal montly Salary for all employees\n");
for(int i = 0; i<emp.length; i++)
sum = ((Employee) emp[i]).monthlyEarning()+sum;
System.out.println("\nTotal monthly salary for all faculuty");
for(int i = 0; i<emp.length;i++)
if(emp[i] instanceof Faculty)
total = ((Employee) emp[i]).monthlyEarning()+total;
//Part D Duplicate a faculty object. test the duplication
Faculty f1 = (Faculty)emp[4];
Faculty f2 = (Faculty)f1.clone();
Education dupl = new Education("PH.D",
"Doctor", "4");
System.out.println("\nD Duplicate a Faculty Object"
//Part E Verify two staff objects are the same
System.out.println("\nE.Verify two staff objects ");
Staff s1 = (Staff)emp[6];
Staff s2 = (Staff)s1.clone();
staffBirthDate = Calendar.getInstance();
Staff s3 = new Staff("Danger, Norman", 456, 'M', staffBirthDate, 25.00);
System.out.print("\nThe two staff objects " +
" birthdays"+ " are the same "
+"therefore "+true+"\n");
//F Sort employees by ascending employee ID
System.out.println("\nSort employees by ID");
for(int i=0;i<emp.length;i++)
At the very end of the code is where it really is not sorting. My Partime class as one of the 3 classes I want to implement to sort the employee's id
import java.util.Calendar;
public class Partime <T> extends Staff implements EmployeeInfo, Comparable {
private int hourlyWeek;
private double hourlyRate;
* Default constructor
public Partime() {
hourlyWeek = 0;
hourlyRate = 0.00;
public Partime(String name, int idNumber, char gender, Calendar birthdate,
int hourlyWeek, double hourlyRate) {
super(name, idNumber, gender, birthdate, hourlyWeek);
this.hourlyWeek = hourlyWeek;
this.hourlyRate = hourlyRate;
* Calculates the monthly earning based on the partime's hourly rate.
* @return monthlyEarning the monthly earning
public double monthlyEarning() {
double monthlySalary = 4 * (hourlyRate * hourlyWeek);
return monthlySalary;
* Gets the Partime's hourly rate.
* @return the hourlyRate
public int getHourlyWeek() {
return hourlyWeek;
* Sets the Partime's hourly rate.
* @param hourlyRate
* the hourlyRate to set
public void setHourlyWeek(int hourlyWeek) {
this.hourlyWeek = hourlyWeek;
public double getHourlyRate(){
return hourlyRate;
public void setHourlyRate(double hourlyRate){
this.hourlyRate = hourlyRate;
* Compares ID numbers of the Partime object.
* @return true if they are equal, false otherwise.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o instanceof Partime)
return getIdNumber() == ((Partime) o).getIdNumber();
return false;
* Displays the Staff's Employee ID number, name, birth date, and monthly
* salary. All Staff employees are full time, which is also displayed.
public String toString() {
return "\n\nID Employee Number: " + getIdNumber() +
"\nEmployee Name: " + getEmployeeName() +
"\nSex: " + getGender() +
"\nBirth date: " + getBirthdate().get(Calendar.YEAR) + "/" + getBirthdate().get(Calendar.MONTH) + "/" + getBirthdate().get(Calendar.DATE) +
"\nHours works per month: " + getHourlyWeek() +
"\nMonthly Earnings: $" + monthlyEarning(); // getHourlyRate();
* Copy constructor
* @returns a Partime copy
public Partime getCopy() {
return new Partime(this.getEmployeeName(), this.getIdNumber(),
this.getGender(), this.getBirthdate(), this.getHourlyWeek(), this.getHourlyRate());
* Compares two Employee's ID numbers.
* @param o
* DataItem to compare
* @return 1 if the Employee's ID number is less than DataItem's ID number, -1
* if greater, and 0 if they equal.
public int compareTo(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Partime) {
int idNumber1 = ((Partime) o).getIdNumber();
int idNumber2 = this.getIdNumber();
if (idNumber1 < idNumber2) {
return 1;
} else if (idNumber1 > idNumber2) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
//return (Integer) this.getIdNumber() - (Integer) ((Staff)o).getIdNumber();
return (Integer) this.getIdNumber() - (Integer)o;
Any help is appreciated.