I have a form with 30 textboxes which I want to function as if they are only 1 textbox.
I have them separated for user friendly appearance purposes. Each box is paired with a checkbox so that letters appear exactly above and center to the check box no matter what size/case the rest of the letters are.
When a letter is entered in txtBox1, txtBox2 gets focus and if a character is deleted from txtBox2 focus goes to txtBox1.
Private Sub inputTxtBox01_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles inputTxtBox01.TextChanged
If inputTxtBox01.Text <> "" And inputTxtBox02.Enabled = True Then
ElseIf inputTxtBox01.Text = "" Then
End If
End Sub
coded in each box to function the same way
I was trying to handle a box which is empty but the user presses backspace key to delete previous character. The code above wont work because there is no text in the current box yet so I need to detect the key and this is where I'm having trouble...
Forgive me if this is horrible because I really did not know where to begin with this. I have never tried handling keydown/keypress etc events before.
Also, I was tired of typing out all my code 30x so I was trying to make code that would apply to all 30 text boxes in one code block.
Private Sub inputTxtBox01_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) _
Handles inputTxtBox01.KeyDown, inputTxtBox02.KeyDown, inputTxtBox03.KeyDown, inputTxtBox04.KeyDown, inputTxtBox05.KeyDown, inputTxtBox06.KeyDown, _
inputTxtBox07.KeyDown, inputTxtBox08.KeyDown, inputTxtBox09.KeyDown, inputTxtBox10.KeyDown, inputTxtBox11.KeyDown, inputTxtBox12.KeyDown, _
inputTxtBox13.KeyDown, inputTxtBox14.KeyDown, inputTxtBox15.KeyDown, inputTxtBox16.KeyDown, inputTxtBox17.KeyDown, inputTxtBox18.KeyDown, _
inputTxtBox19.KeyDown, inputTxtBox20.KeyDown, inputTxtBox21.KeyDown, inputTxtBox22.KeyDown, inputTxtBox23.KeyDown, inputTxtBox24.KeyDown, _
inputTxtBox25.KeyDown, inputTxtBox26.KeyDown, inputTxtBox27.KeyDown, inputTxtBox28.KeyDown, inputTxtBox29.KeyDown, inputTxtBox30.KeyDown
Dim o As Object
If TypeOf sender Is Button Then
Dim btn As Button = CType(sender, Button)
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then
If btn.Name.Substring(11, 2) <> "01" Then
For Each o In Me.Controls
If TypeOf o Is Button And o.name.contains("inputTxtBox" + Val(btn.Name.Substring(11, 2) - 1).ToString) Then
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Part of my problem is that this simply does nothing... no errors. It just does not work so, I think I may be going about this entirely wrong :(