write a program that asks the user to enter five test scores. the pogram should display a letter grade for each score and the average test score. write the following function in the program.
calc_average-this function should accept five test scores as a argument and return the average of the scores
determine_grade - this function should accept a test score as an argyment and return a letter grade for the score, based on the following grading.
score letter grade
90-100 a
80-89 b
70-79 c
60-69 d
below 60 f
Print grades for all individual tests and for the average test score. You must calculate grades in a function that has the test scores passed to it, one at a time
Have an additional function that accepts the score. The score must be at least 0 and no more than 100. All scores must be validated in a separate function that has the scores passed to it, one at a time.
The program should print out 4.0 instead of an “A”, 3.0 instead of a “B”, 2.0 instead of a “C”, 1.0 instead of a “D” and 0.0 instead of an “F”