Create a check digit that is the remainder of the account number when it is divided by 5. This digit should be added to the end
of the 4 digit account number.
Account #12344
#include <cstdlib> // Standard C library...
#include <iostream> // Contains cout, cin objects...
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int accountNumber1, accountNumber2;
double accountBalance1, accountBalance2, checkDigit;
cout << "First account: Enter account number: ";
cin >> accountNumber1;
checkDigit = 4 //(accountNumber1 / 5) % 2;
accountNumber1 = accountNumber1 + checkDigit;
cout << "Enter balance: ";
cin >> accountBalance1;
cout << "Second account: Enter account number: ";
cin >> accountNumber2;
cout << "Enter balance: ";
cin >> accountBalance2;
cout << "Account#: " << accountNumber1 << " has a starting balance of: $" << accountBalance1;
cout << "\nAccount#: " << accountNumber2 << " has a starting balance of: $" << accountBalance2;
return 0;