Hello, i am a newbie.
Now i got a problem about Extracting some specific strings from a txt file.
Here is the txt file like:
121348319B'\t'Herman Gerrand'\t'ED001' 'C'\t'ED002' 'A
ED003' 'B'\t'ED004' 'C
124311431B'\t'Shakes Hand'\t'ED021' 'F'\t'ED003' 'C
ED007' 'A'\t'ED011' 'B
124134131B ....go on
The sequence logic is: student ID'\t'student name'\t'subject code' 'subject grade'\n'
The problem is how can i extract only the name to make a student name list?
I have searched a lot and still cant get help, so i am here.
Thank you for helping.
Using visual studio 2010express