i need help with my code

Give the class methods to provide name and SID to a newly created Object
(a constructor) and a method to determine the Grade of a piece of work.
and to Write a Main method in another class which creates an instance of this class and tests the methods.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace Homework_task_F
    class StudentDetails //class for Declarations

        public string studentname;
        public string studentsid;
        public string studentgrade;


    class Students

        public List<StudentDetails> studList = new List<StudentDetails>();

        //This list contains the student list

        public int MaxStudents;

          //This Function Adds the Record
        public int AddRecord(string name, string sid, string grades)
            StudentDetails stud = new StudentDetails();

            stud.studentname = name;
            stud.studentsid = sid;
            stud.studentgrade = grades;

            MaxStudents = studList.Count;

            return 1;
    class Program

        static public Students theStudents = new Students();
        public static double Grade;     

        //This method is to view Records as Report

        static public void ViewRecords()


            Console.WriteLine("SNo Student Name    SID      Grade                                        ");


            for (int i = 0; i < theStudents.MaxStudents; i++)

                Console.Write("{0, -5}", i + 1);

                Console.Write("{0, -15}", theStudents.studList[i].studentname);

                Console.Write("{0, -10}", theStudents.studList[i].studentsid);

                Console.Write("{0, -20}", theStudents.studList[i].studentgrade);

                if (Grade >= 70 && Grade <= 100)
                    Console.Write("you Pass First Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 60 && Grade <= 69)
                    Console.Write(" you is Pass Upper Second Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 50 && Grade <= 59)
                    Console.Write(" you Pass Lower Second Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 40 && Grade <= 49)
                    Console.Write(" you Pass 3rd Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 0 && Grade <= 39)
                    Console.Write(" sorry you failed \n");
                if (Grade >100)
                    Console.Write("Error \n");




        static public void InputRecords()

            Console.Write("Student Name: \n");
            string name; 
            name = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Student SID: \n");
            string sid;
            sid = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Student Grade: \n");
            string grade;
            grade = Console.ReadLine();

            theStudents.AddRecord(name, sid, grade);


        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine("Student MarkList Application");

            Console.Write("Enter the Total number  of students: ");

            int numStudents = -1;

            string s = Console.ReadLine();

            numStudents = Convert.ToInt32(s);

            for (int i = 1; i <= numStudents; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("\nEnter " + i.ToString() + " Student Information\n");



i don t know if it s too early in the morning but i really don t understand what you want. Can you please be more specific

the cod is not working proble because when it gets the the grade pit of the code with the if parts of the code it only shows one of them

i copied and pasted your code and it s working quite OK. By saying that your code doesn t work are you reffering to the "Sorry you failed" output on the right side of the console?

yes i am because it should change depending on the grade that the user and put in

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Homework_task_F
    class StudentDetails //class for Declarations
        public string studentname;
        public string studentsid;
        public string studentgrade;
    class Students
        public List<StudentDetails> studList = new List<StudentDetails>();
        //This list contains the student list
        public int MaxStudents;
          //This Function Adds the Record
        public int AddRecord(string name, string sid, string grades)
            StudentDetails stud = new StudentDetails();
            stud.studentname = name;
            stud.studentsid = sid;
            stud.studentgrade = grades;
            MaxStudents = studList.Count;
            return 1;
    class Program
        static public Students theStudents = new Students();

        //This method is to view Records as Report
        static public void ViewRecords()
            Console.WriteLine("SNo Student Name    SID      Grade                                        ");
            for (int i = 0; i < theStudents.MaxStudents; i++)
                Console.Write("{0, -5}", i + 1);
                Console.Write("{0, -15}", theStudents.studList[i].studentname);
                Console.Write("{0, -10}", theStudents.studList[i].studentsid);
                Console.Write("{0, -20}", theStudents.studList[i].studentgrade);
                double Grade = Convert.ToDouble(theStudents.studList[i].studentgrade);
                if (Grade >= 70 && Grade <= 100)
                    Console.Write("you Pass First Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 60 && Grade <= 69)
                    Console.Write(" you is Pass Upper Second Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 50 && Grade <= 59)
                    Console.Write(" you Pass Lower Second Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 40 && Grade <= 49)
                    Console.Write(" you Pass 3rd Class \n");
                if (Grade >= 0 && Grade <= 39)
                    Console.Write(" sorry you failed \n");
                if (Grade >100)
                    Console.Write("Error \n");
        static public void InputRecords()
            Console.Write("Student Name: \n");
            string name; 
            name = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Student SID: \n");
            string sid;
            sid = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Student Grade: \n");
            string grade;
            grade = Console.ReadLine();
            theStudents.AddRecord(name, sid, grade);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Student MarkList Application");
            Console.Write("Enter the Total number  of students: ");
            int numStudents = -1;
            string s = Console.ReadLine();
            numStudents = Convert.ToInt32(s);
            for (int i = 1; i <= numStudents; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("\nEnter " + i.ToString() + " Student Information\n");

I don t know if you can do it like this but this should work, just copy paste

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