I have a code which add extra memcache instance at run time, but this makes my keys lost. I know there are several libraries available like consistent_hash, hash_ring but I am unable to use them in my code. I know there is ketama available but couldn't find python code sample for it.
class MemcacheClient(memcache.Client):
""" A memcache subclass. It currently allows you to add a new host at run
Sadly, this truely messes with the our keys. I.E. Adding a host at runtime
effectively wipes our cache all together...Wonder why?
def _get_server(self, key):
""" Current implementation of Memcache client
return super(MemcacheClient, self)._get_server(key)
def add_server(self, server):
""" Adds a host at runtime to client
# Create a new host entry
server = memcache._Host(
server, self.debug, dead_retry=self.dead_retry,
# Add this to our server choices
# Update our buckets
def random_key(size):
""" Generates a random key
return ''.join(random.choice(string.letters) for _ in range(size))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# We have 7 running memcached servers
servers = ['' % i for i in range(1,8)]
# We have 100 keys to split across our servers
keys = [random_key(10) for i in range(100)]
# Init our subclass
client = MemcacheClient(servers=servers)
# Distribute the keys on our servers
for key in keys:
client.set(key, 1)
# Check how many keys come back
valid_keys = client.get_multi(keys)
print '%s percent of keys matched' % ((len(valid_keys)/float(len(keys))) * 100)
# We add another server...and pow!
print 'Added new server'
valid_keys = client.get_multi(keys)
print '%s percent of keys stil matched' % ((len(valid_keys)/float(len(keys))) * 100)