We need it tomorrow, the code for the assignment #3 and #4 question. There was no continuation.

Date Class Project (part #3)
    Add the following data items to your Date class         05 points
1.  int dayOfYear
2.  String monthName
3.  String dayOfWeek
Add the following methods to your Date class            10 points
1.  public void calcDayOfWeek()
    Computes the day-of-the-week and stores the day of
    week String in the dayOfWeek data item. 
            (depending in the month, day, and year data items)
2.  public String getDayOfWeek()                05 points
    returns the day-of-the-week 
3.  public void calcMonthName()             05 points
    Finds the month name and stores the String in the 
            monthName data item. 
4.  public String getMonthName()                05 points
                returns the month name data item
5.  public void calcDOY()                   20 points
        Calculates the Julian day-of-year and stores it 
            in the dayOfYear data item.
     Examples       01/10/2005  is 10       02/10/2005  is 41
    03/01/2005  is 60   03/01/2000  is 61
6.  public int getDOY()                 05 points
returns the day-of-the-week
        7.  modify the  public void printDate() method to include   05 points
     the month name, day of week, and the dayOfYear
            month       xx  (month name)
            day         xx
            year        xxxx and is (is not) a leap year
            day of week xxxxxxxxx
            day of year ddd
        8.  private void adjustData()    that calls the methods 15 points
            a.  calcDayOfWeek()
    b.  calcMonthName()
                c.  calcDOY()
             add adjustData() to your constructors and “setMethods()”
create a testing program to test your Date object and its methods.
Name the test program TestDate
Upload the Date.java and TestDate files to Date03 assignment for
evaluation if you wish
Date Class Project (part #4)
Add a constructors to your Date class.
    public Date(int doy, int y)                         20 points
a.  sets year to y
b.  using the doy, calculates the month and day
c.  runs calcDayOfWeek()
d.  runs calcMonthName()
add a method    
public String getDateSpelledOut()                   10 points
that returns a String with the date in the format
mmmmmmmm nn, yyyy   day-of-week
Example    November 14, 2008    Wednesday
                  January 1, 2009    Tuesday

This is my code:

package DateProgram;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class DateTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

        Date date = new Date();
//        Date d1;
//        d1 = new date();
//        Date d2 = new Date();

        System.out.println("Enter Month from 1-12 : ");

        System.out.println("Enter Day from 1-31 : ");

        System.out.println("Enter Year from 1900 and beyond : ");

          System.out.println("month  is " +date.getMonth());
          System.out.println("day  is " +date.getDay());
          System.out.println("year  is " +date.getYear()+"\r");
          System.out.println(date.getMonth()+ "/" +date.getDay()+"/" +date.getYear());

Utility Code:
package DateProgram;

public class Date {
    private int month;
    private int day;
    private int year;

public Date(){

public int getMonth(){
    return this.month;

public int getDay(){
    if ((month<0 && month>12) && (month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11))
        if (day<0 && day>30)
            System.out.println("Invalid day! ");

    if ((month<0 && month>12) && (month==1 || month==3 || month==5 || month==7|| month==8 || month==10 || month==12))
        if (day<0 && day>31)
            System.out.println("Invalid day! ");

    if ((month<0 && month>12) && (month==2))
        if (day<0 && day>28)
            System.out.println("Invalid day! ");

    return this.day;

public int getYear(){
    return this.year;

public void setMonth(int month)
this.month = month;
public void setDay(int day)
this.day = day;
//public void setyear(int year);

public void setYear (int year)
this.year = year;

public boolean isValid()
boolean isValid= true;

if (year>=1000 && year<=9999)
  if (month>0 && month<13)
    if (month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11)
        if (day>0 && day<=30)
            isValid = true;
            isValid = false;
    if (month==1 || month==3 || month==5 || month==7|| month==8 || month==10 || month==12)
        if (day>0 && day<=31)
            isValid = true;
            isValid = false;

    if (month==2 && year%4==0)
        if (day>0 && day<=29)
            isValid = true;
            isValid = false;
    if (month==2 && year%4!=0)
        if (day>0 && day<=28)
            isValid = true;
            isValid = false;

        isValid = false;

        isValid = false;

    if (isValid)
        System.out.println("Valid Date! ");
        System.out.println("Invalid Date! ");

    return isValid;

public boolean calcLeapYear()
boolean isLeapYear = true;
    if(year %400 == 0)
        isLeapYear = true;
    if(year % 100 == 0)
        isLeapYear = false;
    if (year % 4 == 0)
        isLeapYear = true;
        isLeapYear = false;
    if (isLeapYear)
        System.out.println("Leap Year! ");
        System.out.println("Not Leap Year! ");
    return isLeapYear;

use gregorian calendar to handle date specific functions

Calendar cal=new GregorianCalendar();
cal.setTimeInMillis(timeInMillis); //set the long integer that denotes milliseconds since 1/1/1970
int dayOfWeek=cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); //dayOfWeek can be Calendar.SUNDAY,Calendar.MONDAY,Calendar.TUESDAY,etc.

you can get timeInMillis by creating a date object using SimpleDateFormat

Date requiredDate=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd").parse("2010/12/05");

so, you just copy pasted the code you've found in a six year old thread without checking against the current version of Java... congrats.
if it's due tomorrow, even the bugfixing stage should have been finished by now. you may want to organize your schedule a bit better next time.

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