Hi basically I am creating a zombie survival game using Irrlicht. I have a base class Survival.cpp with my game loop in a method called Survival::Run() I am trying to call a Shoot() method from within the game loop from another class within Bullet.cpp

I have included the Shoot() method within a Bullet.h file and made it public I have also made an #include Bullet.h in my Survival.cpp file. I thought this was enough to be able to find this method?? Apparently not though. I believe this is due to the program trying to call Shoot();before it has been created (correct me if I am wrong). This is potentially something very simple I am missing. Please can somebody help me out here. The necessary code is included, however if you need to see any other part of this then let me know. Thanks in advance.


#pragma once

#include <irrlicht.h>
#include "Survival.h"
#include "CAppReceiver.h"

using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace video;
using namespace scene;
using namespace gui;

#if defined (_MSC_VER)
    #pragma comment (lib, "Irrlicht.lib")

class Bullet
    virtual ~Bullet(void);
    bool Initialize(void);
    void Shoot();
    void createBulletImpacts();

    struct SBullet
        u32 when;
        ISceneNode* node;
        vector3df direction;

    array<SBullet> Bullets;

        CAppReceiver appReceiver;

    // Interface variables
    IrrlichtDevice* device;
    IVideoDriver* driver;
    ISceneManager* smgr;
    IGUIEnvironment* env;
    ISceneManager* sm; // = device->getSceneManager();
    ICameraSceneNode* camera; // = sm->getActiveCamera();
    ISceneNode* node;

    // bullet for the shoot method
    IMesh* bullet;
    IMesh* bullMesh;
    IMeshSceneNode* goldBullet;
    IMeshSceneNode* bulletMesh;

    // More Interfaces
    // Meta triangle selector
    IMetaTriangleSelector* meta;

    // Collision response animator
    ISceneNodeAnimator* anim;


#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "Bullet.h"

using namespace irr;
using namespace core;
using namespace video;
using namespace scene;
using namespace gui;
using namespace std;

    goldBullet  = 0;
    bullMesh    = 0;



bool Bullet::Initialize(void)
    return false;

void Bullet::Shoot()  // The method I am trying to call in the Survival::Run() Survival.cpp
    sm = device->getSceneManager();
    camera = sm->getActiveCamera();
    device = createDevice(EDT_OPENGL, dimension2d<u32>(1200,720), 16, false, false, false, &appReceiver);

    // create bullet
    // Load in the bullet model .obj
    bullMesh = sm->getMesh("C:/apps/irrlicht-1.8/irrlicht-1.8/media/bullet.obj");
    if (!bullMesh) {
        cout << "cannot load bullet" << endl;
        //return false;
    goldBullet = sm->addMeshSceneNode(bullMesh);
    if (goldBullet)
        goldBullet->setMaterialFlag(EMF_LIGHTING, false);
        goldBullet->setMaterialTexture(0, driver->getTexture("C:/apps/irrlicht-1.8/irrlicht-1.8/media/roughgold.jpg"));


    vector3df start = goldBullet->getAbsolutePosition();
    vector3df end = (camera->getTarget() - camera->getPosition());

    start = camera->getPosition();
    end = (camera->getTarget() - camera->getPosition());



    SBullet bullet;

    bullet.direction = end;
    start += end*20.0f;
    end = start + (end * camera->getFarValue());


    cout << "shoot" << endl;

    bullet.node = goldBullet;

    f32 length = (f32)(end - start).getLength();
    const f32 speed = 0.6f;
    u32 time = (u32)(length / speed);

    scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* anim = 0;

    // set flight line
    anim = sm->createFlyStraightAnimator(start, end, time);

    // when it should disappear
    bullet.when = device->getTimer()->getTime() + (time - 100);


void Bullet::createBulletImpacts()
    u32 now = device->getTimer()->getTime();
    sm = device->getSceneManager();

    // get collision manager
    ISceneCollisionManager* collMan = sm->getSceneCollisionManager();

    for (s32 i=0; i<(s32)Bullets.size(); ++i) 
        if (now > Bullets[i].when)
            // out of time, so remove it
            // the particle effect is stationary - does not move around with what is hit

            // has there been a collision?

            line3d<f32> ray;
            ray.start = Bullets[i].node->getPosition();
            ray.end = ray.start + Bullets[i].direction*10;

            // Tracks the current intersection point with the level or a mesh
            vector3df intersection;

            // Used to show with triangle has been hit
            triangle3df hitTriangle;

            //          cout << "ray start " << ray.start.X << "," << ray.start.Y << "," << ray.start.Z << endl;
            //          cout << "ray direction " << Bullets[i].direction.X << "," << Bullets[i].direction.Y << "," << Bullets[i].direction.Z << endl;

            if (!collMan)

            core::vector3df hitPoint;
            scene::ISceneNode* hitNode = 0;
            const scene::ISceneNode* nodehit = 0;
            core::vector3df collisionPoint(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
            core::vector3df pnt(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
            core::triangle3df triangle;

            if (meta && collMan->getCollisionPoint(
                ray, meta, hitPoint, triangle, hitNode)) 
                scene::ISceneNode *nodehit = 
                    (ray, collisionPoint, triangle);

                cout << "its a hit with" << hitNode->getName() << " at (" << hitPoint.X << "," << hitPoint.Y << "," << hitPoint.Z << ")" << endl;
                cout << "collision point " << collisionPoint.X << "," << collisionPoint.Y << "," << collisionPoint.Y << endl;
                cout << "hit node absolute position " << hitNode->getAbsolutePosition().X << "," << hitNode->getAbsolutePosition().Y << "," << hitNode->getAbsolutePosition().Z << endl;
                cout << "hit node position " << hitNode->getPosition().X << "," << hitNode->getPosition().Y << "," << hitNode->getPosition().Z << endl;

                // create smoke particle system 
                IParticleSystemSceneNode* pas = 0;

                cout << "hit node scale (" << hitNode->getScale().X << "," <<
                    hitNode->getScale().Y << "," << hitNode->getScale().Z << ")" << endl;

                cout << "hit node apos (" << hitNode->getAbsolutePosition().X << "," <<
                    hitNode->getAbsolutePosition().Y << "," << hitNode->getAbsolutePosition().Z << ")" << endl;

                cout << "hit node pos (" << hitNode->getPosition().X << "," <<
                    hitNode->getPosition().Y << "," << hitNode->getAbsolutePosition().Z << ")" << endl;

                cout << "AT THIS BIT" << endl;
                if (nodehit) cout << "nodehit is " << nodehit->getName() << endl;

                // check nodehit and if the nodehit has collided, set the node invisible
                if (nodehit)

                cout << "nodehit pointer is " << nodehit << endl;

                // delete entry



int Survival::Run()
    if (!device)
        return 1;

    wchar_t tmp[255];

    // Game Loop
    while (device->run())

        if (device->isWindowActive())

                        vector3df campos = camera->getAbsolutePosition();
                        f32 const vehicleLength = camera->getBoundingBox().getExtent().Z * 0.5f;
                        vector3df cameraDirection(0, 0, -vehicleLength);
                        vector3df cameraDown = vector3df(0, 1, 0).crossProduct(cameraDirection);

                        vector3df frontCentre = campos + cameraDirection + cameraDown;

        // This is the way the vehicle is pointing.
        // Note that I use Z as forwards

        cout << "vehicleDirectionA (" << cameraDirection.X << "," << cameraDirection.Y << "," << cameraDirection.Z << ")" << endl;

        //cout << " X = " << camera->getPosition().X << " , Y = " << camera->getPosition().Y << " , Z = " << camera->getPosition().Z << endl;

            if (appReceiver.isKeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE))
                return 1;   // appReceiver
            if (appReceiver.isKeyDown(KEY_KEY_F))
                Shoot(); // here is where the simple call to the method shoud work (works in a different example)

            driver->beginScene(true, true, SColor(255, 255, 255, 255));
            // Draw the Crosshairs
            driver->draw2DImage(image, position2d<s32>(579,337), 
                                rect<s32>(0, 0, 48, 48), 0,
                                SColor(255,255,255,255), true);


        else device->yield();

    return 0;

Shoot is a method defined on the object Bullet. In your definition, you can not shoot without a bullet, so to speak. You have a couple of choices:
Create a Bullet object and call shoot through that

Bullet b;

Make the Shoot method static on Bullet and call it that way

class Bullet {
 static void Shoot () { ... }

// Then elsewhere


Or, simply define a method Shoot outside the Bullet class and call it exactly as you have it.

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