from Tkinter import*


okno.title('Pomoc please')



def volana_funkce(event):

    print event.widget





how to get a name of widget if click on them?e.g i klik on oval1 and function volana_funkce will return oval1..

You have to set widget for name to come up. At the moment I don't quite know how, I don't have my notes along.

I would simply use lambda to extent the arguments passed to your callback function. I combined your code with an example I had ...

# display which widget was clicked

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

root.title('Click on ovals')

canvas1 = Canvas()

def func1(event, widget_name):
    print widget_name

# use different tags
oval1 = canvas1.create_oval(10, 30, 40, 50, fill='red', tags='click1')
oval2 = canvas1.create_oval(50, 70, 80, 90, fill='blue', tags='click2')

# left mouse click = '<1>'
# use lambda to send more info to callback function
canvas1.tag_bind('click1', '<1>', (lambda e: func1(e, "oval1")))
canvas1.tag_bind('click2', '<1>', (lambda e: func1(e, "oval2")))


ï know this, but the object in canvas must have same tag.

SOLVED, my friend is very good pythoner and he know way:

from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()

root.title('Click on ovals')

canvas1 = Canvas()

def func1(event):
    print canvas1.find_withtag(CURRENT)

# use different tags
oval1 = canvas1.create_oval(10, 30, 40, 50, fill='red', tags='click1')
oval2 = canvas1.create_oval(50, 70, 80, 90, fill='blue', tags='click2')

# left mouse click = '<1>'
# use lambda to send more info to callback function
canvas1.tag_bind('click1', '<1>', func1)
canvas1.tag_bind('click2', '<1>', func1)


Very nice, but I understood you wanted the actual name of the widget as the answer.

Very nice, but I understood you wanted the actual name of the widget as the answer.

than sorry

Actually, I like your friend's solution. You can easily expand it to bring up the widget's name:

# which widget has been clicked?
from Tkinter import *

root = Tk()
root.title('Click on ovals')

canvas1 = Canvas()

def func1(event):
    print widget_list[canvas1.find_withtag(CURRENT)[0]-1]

oval1 = canvas1.create_oval(10, 30, 40, 50, fill='red', tags='click')
oval2 = canvas1.create_oval(50, 70, 80, 90, fill='blue', tags='click')
oval3 = canvas1.create_oval(90, 110, 120, 130, fill='green', tags='click')

widget_list = ['oval1', 'oval2', 'oval3']

# left mouse click = '<1>'
canvas1.tag_bind('click', '<1>', func1)

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