I am trying to read a string from a file and print it on the screen, but I always get an error at opening the file. Why is this happening? What is wrong with the code or with the file? PS: the file is in the same folder as the .asm file.

ASSUME cs: code, ds:data
    inputFile db "D:\AC\input.txt", 0
    openingError db 'An error has occured at opening the file!$'
    readingError db 'An error has occured at reading the file!$'
    s1 db 10 dup(?)
    ls db 0
    handle dw ?
data ENDS

    mov ax,data
    mov ds,ax
            ;open the file
    mov ah, 3dh
    mov al, 0
    mov dx, offset inputFile
    int 21h
    mov handle, ax
    jc openError
            ;read 10 bytes from the file into s1
    mov ah, 3fh
    mov bx, handle
    mov cx, 10
    mov dx, offset s1
    int 21h
    jc readError

        mov ah, 09h
        mov dx, offset openingError
        int 21h
        jmp the_end

        mov ah, 09h
        mov dx, offset readingError
        int 21h
        jmp the_end

            ;close file
    mov ah, 3eh
    mov bx, handle
    int 21h

            ;print string on the screen
    lea dx, s1
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h

        mov ax,4C00h
        int 21h
code ENDS
END start

Well, it is the kind of bug that is repeated again and again.
Look at these lines:

mov dx, offset s1
int 21h
jc readError
mov ah, 09h

The program opens the file. The program reads the file and after "jc readError" it simply continues with the next line that is: "openError:" mov ah, 09h...
This can be solved simply adding after "jc readError" a simple "jmp someplaceafteropenerrorandreaderror".


Hi once more,

Can you test my code:


.STACK 1024

    inputFile db "A:\TASM\DRIVES.ASM", 0
    openingError db 'An error has occured at opening the file!$'
    readingError db 'An error has occured at reading the file!$'

    s1 db 10 dup(?)
    ls db ?
    handle dw ?

    mov ax,@data
    mov ds,ax
;open the file
    mov ah, 3dh
    mov al, 0
    lea dx, inputFile
    int 21h
    jc openError
    mov handle, ax
;read 10 bytes from the file into s1
    mov ah, 3fh
    mov bx, handle
    mov cx, 10
    mov dx, offset s1
    jc readError
    int 21h
;I put the string terminator after the bytes read:
    mov bx, offset s1
    add bx, ax
    mov byte ptr [bx], '$'
;close file
    mov ah, 3eh
    mov bx, handle
    int 21h
;print string on the screen
    lea dx, s1
    mov ah, 09h
    int 21h
    mov ax,4C00h
    int 21h
    mov ah, 09h
    mov dx, offset openingError
    int 21h
    jmp the_end
    mov ah, 09h
    mov dx, offset readingError
    int 21h
    jmp the_end
    END start

You must change the file path.
Please, forgive my mistakes.


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