just starting learning java ..
is there drop and drag for objects in java like visual basic
without importing a lot of modules and write a big code to show a window..
writing program for consol it is very good but gui a lot of code for small result..

yes there is, but if you want to actually learn Java, you shouldn't go for that.

NetBeans is the "standard" Java development environment, and includes D&D window building etc. But stultuske is right - you may learn how to D&D but you won't learn how windows are built and operate in Java. Then, when you want to do something just a bit more complex, you'll be stuck.
Most people here recommend that you start by learning to code some GUIs yourself so you have a solid understanding of the basics, then use a GUI builder tool to speed things up.

Oracle's own tutorials are the definitive source of info here - have a look at

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