I am trying to accessing a function from thread created from a class member function.
but i am getting error does not come under scope .

please help to slove the problem.

below is the scenatrio..

typedef void (*Fptr)(type *ptr);

class test{
    public :
    Fptr fun;
    void init(Fptr fun1);
    void start(

void test :: init(Fptr fun1)

 fun = fun1;

void test :: start(){

void static threadfunc(void *)
    fun(¶m); // getting error here

This is because the function "threadfunc()" is not a member of the class test. You need to pass threadfunc() an argument to fun. Example:

void test :: start()
    pthread_create(...,threadfunc, (void*)fun);
void static threadfunc(void *pFun)
    Fptr fun = (Fptr)pFun;
    fun(¶m); // getting error here

I don't know if this will run since I don't have the time right now to test it out, but it should be pointing you in the right direction. Note that the last argument of pthread_create() is NOT the thread function, but the ARGUMENT that is passed to it.

Thanks i am gonna try that, and let u know

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