Hello everyone!
I have a homework assignment that I'm just not understanding...We're tyring to implement 4 total ciphers. I have the Caesar Cipher down:
#include <cstring>
#include "algorithms.h"
void caesarEncrypt( const char plaintext[] , char ciphertext[], int key )
int idx;
for( idx = 0; idx < strlen(plaintext); idx++ )
if ( CHAR_OUT_OF_RANGE(plaintext[idx]) )
ciphertext[idx] = plaintext[idx];
ciphertext[idx] = plaintext[idx] + key;
if (ciphertext[idx] > 'z')
ciphertext[idx]-= NUM_CHARACTERS;
if (ciphertext[idx] < 'a')
ciphertext[idx] += NUM_CHARACTERS;
ciphertext[idx] = 0;
void caesarDecrypt( const char plaintext[] , char ciphertext[], int key )
int idx;
for( idx = 0; idx < strlen(plaintext); idx++ )
if ( CHAR_OUT_OF_RANGE(plaintext[idx]) )
ciphertext[idx] = plaintext[idx];
ciphertext[idx] = plaintext[idx] - key;
if (plaintext[idx] > 'z')
ciphertext[idx] -= NUM_CHARACTERS;
if (ciphertext[idx] < 'a')
ciphertext[idx] += NUM_CHARACTERS;
ciphertext[idx] = 0;
Now I also have to come up with a code for substitution, vigenere, and transposition. Can someone help me with figuring this out? I just need some help figuring out the logic for this program. Thank you in advance!