I need to start using databases with c++. I know in VB or VBA is simple and easy to find tutorials. I've done a lot of database apps in VBA and VB.
I couldn't find help for c++, only for vc++.
I use Code::Blocks and mingw.
If anyone knows how to start, or have some links, please share.
I want to connect to an Access database. What would be the equivalent in c++ of:
//create connection
Dim myCon as New ADODB.Connection
//create recordset
Dim myRS as New ADODB.Recordset
//create connection string
Dim myConStr as String //"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & strFullDBPath & ";" /how do I set up a driver?
//create sqlString="SELECT * FROM SomeTable ...."
myCon.execute sqlString
myRS.Open "" _
& "SELECT * " _
& "FROM tblTemp " _
& "WHERE some_condition " , myCon, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, -1
Do While Not myRS.EOF
//some code
Set myRS=Nothing
I know there are some "sql.h" headers used with "windows.h" but how is a connection declared & initialized?
Please don't tell me to google it because I don't know what to google about.