Hey there! I've been working on this code that uses linked list operations:


using namespace std;

void displayRecords(); // done
void searchRecord(string); // done
void insertAtEnd(string, string, int); // done
void insertAtBeginning(string, string, int); // done
void insertAtSpecifiedLocation (string, string, int, int); // done
void deleteAtEnd(); // somewhat working. trouble happens when there's only one entry. than again, i fixed it. :3
void deleteAtBeginning(); // done
void deleteAtSpecifiedLocation(int); // somewhat working. program crashes when an invalid value is entered.
void isHeadNull(struct node*); // just to make the code a few lines shorter, 

struct node {
     string name;
     string address;
     int number;
     struct node *next;

*head = NULL;

int main() {
     char loop = '\0';
     string name = "", address = "";
     int choice = 0, number = 0, position = 0;
          cout << "\nLinked List Operations" << endl;
          cout << "MENU:" << endl;
          cout << "[1] Display all records" << endl;
          cout << "[2] Search for a record (by name)" << endl;
          cout << "[3] Insert a new record at the end of the list" << endl;
          cout << "[4] Insert a new record at the beginning of the list" << endl;
          cout << "[5] Insert a new record at a specified location" << endl;
          cout << "[6] Delete the record at the end of the list" << endl;
          cout << "[7] Delete the record at the beginning of the list" << endl;
          cout << "[8] Delete a record at a specified location" << endl;
          cout << "[9] Quit" << endl;
          cout << "Enter your choice: ";
          cin >> choice;
          if (choice == 1)
          else if (choice == 2)
               cout << "Name in entry: ";
               getline(cin, name);
               getline(cin, name);
          else if (choice == 3)
               cout << "Enter name: ";
               getline(cin, name);
               getline(cin, name);
               cout << "Enter address: ";
               getline(cin, address);
               cout << "Enter number: ";
               cin >> number;
               insertAtEnd(name, address, number);
          else if (choice == 4)
               cout << "Enter name: ";
               getline(cin, name);
               getline(cin, name);
               cout << "Enter address: ";
               getline(cin, address);
               cout << "Enter number: ";
               cin >> number;
               insertAtBeginning(name, address, number);
          else if (choice == 5)
               cout << "Enter name: ";
               getline(cin, name);
               getline(cin, name);
               cout << "Enter address: ";
               getline(cin, address);
               cout << "Enter number: ";
               cin >> number;
               cout << "Position: ";
               cin >> position;
               insertAtSpecifiedLocation(name, address, number, position);
          else if (choice == 6)
          else if (choice == 7)
          else if (choice == 8)
               cout << "Record number you'd want to delete: ";
               cin >> position;
          else if (choice == 9)
               return 0;
          cout << "Try again [Y/N]? ";
          cin >> loop;
     while (toupper(loop) == 'Y');

     return 0;

void displayRecords() {
     int counter = 1;
     struct node *movingPointer = head;
     cout << endl;
     while (movingPointer != NULL)
          cout << "RECORD #: " << counter << endl;
          cout << "    Name: " << movingPointer->name << endl;
          cout << " Address: " << movingPointer->address << endl;
          cout << "  Number: " << movingPointer->number << endl;
          movingPointer = movingPointer->next;
     cout << endl;

void searchRecord(string name)
     int position = 0;
     struct node *movingPointer = head;
     while (movingPointer != NULL)
           if (movingPointer->name == name)
                cout << "Record #: " << position << endl;
           movingPointer = movingPointer->next;
     cout << "Record does not exist." << endl;

void insertAtEnd(string name, string address, int number)
     struct node *temp;
     if (head == NULL)
          temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
          temp->name = name;
          temp->address = address;
          temp->number = number;
          temp->next = NULL;
          head = temp;
         struct node *movingPointer = head;
         while (movingPointer->next != NULL)
              movingPointer = movingPointer->next;
         temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
         temp->name = name;
         temp->address = address;
         temp->number = number;
         temp->next = NULL;
         movingPointer->next = temp;

void insertAtBeginning(string name, string address, int number)
     struct node *temp;
     temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
     temp->name = name;
     temp->address = address;
     temp->number = number;
     temp->next = head;
     head = temp;

void insertAtSpecifiedLocation (string name, string address, int number, int position)
     struct node *temp, *movingPointer = head;
     for (int i=1; i < position-1; i++)
         movingPointer = movingPointer->next;
         if(movingPointer == NULL)
              cout << "Record # " << position << " does not exist. Please create a sufficient amount of records first." << endl;
     temp = (struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
     temp->name = name;
     temp->address = address;
     temp->number = number;
     temp->next = movingPointer->next;
     movingPointer->next = temp;

void deleteAtEnd()
     struct node *movingPointer = head, *previousNode = NULL;
     while (movingPointer->next != NULL)
          previousNode = movingPointer;
          movingPointer = movingPointer->next;
     if (previousNode == NULL) // if list has only one entry
          head = NULL;
          cout << "Record has been deleted." << endl;
     previousNode->next = NULL;
     cout << "Record has been deleted." << endl;

void deleteAtBeginning()
     struct node *nodeToRemove = head;
     head = nodeToRemove->next;
     cout << "Record # 1 has been deleted." << endl;

void deleteAtSpecifiedLocation(int position)
     struct node *movingPointer = head, *previousNode = NULL;
     for (int i=1; i < position; i++)
          previousNode = movingPointer;
          movingPointer = movingPointer->next;
          if (movingPointer == NULL)
               cout << "Record #" << position << " does not exist. Please enter a valid value." << endl;
     if (previousNode == NULL) // if list has only one entry
          head = movingPointer->next;
          cout << "Record #" << position << " has been successfully deleted." << endl;
     previousNode->next = movingPointer->next;
     cout << "Record #" << position << " has been successfully deleted." << endl;

void isHeadNull (struct node *head)
     if (head == NULL)
          cout << "\n****************************************************************\n";
          cout << "This list is empty. Please create a sufficient amount of records\n";
          cout << "in order to use this function." << endl;
          cout << "****************************************************************\n";

So, I think I did well on the linked list operations code. I think they do what they're supposed to do. However, my trouble here is with, I think, the main() and the isHeadNull() function. My isHeadNull() function prints the error message in case the user of the program tries to use a linked list operation that applies only if the linked list has contents. But I noticed something quite odd: assuming that I have an empty list, and if I were to choose the option [2] - which is for searching records - in the MENU, of course, my error message is supposed to appear and then, main() gets called to restart everything (hopefully) and I am asked to choose from the options again. However, if I then proceed to choose option [9] - quit - it doesn't quit/terminate the program. It actually continues to do what option [2] is supposed to do. The photos below summarize what happens:


This event applies to an empty list and a user calling on for-lists-with-contents-only functions (options 1, 2, 6, 7, 8). Then choosing option 9. I think this has something to do with resetting values, or possibly, the main() function calling the isHeadNull() function calling the main() function... or something like that.

After I took an afternoon nap, I realized how dumb my question is. I've handled my problem. Maybe calling main() isn't really a good idea after all. My apologies. If only I can delete this post, I would've.

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