please can you run the code as attachement..i m trying to test the guess number ..if it is greater than the random number or smaller but when it is equal the function will return -1
i have error that i cannot understand as i m new in java
the function is in number 108 or the name of the function is "public static int checkGuess(int guess)"
any help will be appreciated thanks
package exercices;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RandomGuess {
// main is a method that contains all of the code to be executed when a program runs
// This is a class variable that is available to every method
// If you declare a variable in a method it is only accessible in that method (local variable)
static double myPI = 3.14159265;
// Any changes made to randomNumber in any functions will effect its global value
static int randomNumber;
// Creates a Scanner object that monitors keyboard input
static Scanner userInput = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void main(String[] args) {
/* Basic Method
* accessModifier static returnDataType methodName (parameters)
* { Statements }
* Access Modifier: Determines who can execute a method
* static: Used when you want to be able to execute a method that isn't part of a class definition
* Return Data Type: The data type of value returned after a method executes (void if no values are returned)
* Method Name: Must start with a letter, but can include letters, numbers, $, or _
* Parameters / Arguments: Values passed to a method
//System.out.println(addThem(1,2)); // addThem(1,2) will be replaced with the value that method returns
// Demonstrating passing by value
int d = 5;
// Changes to the variable d in tryToChange don't effect its value globally
// We are passing the value of d to tryToChange and not the variable
//System.out.println("Static Variable d = "+ d);
// Guessing a random number
System.out.println(getRandomNum()); // Both prints and generates the value for randomNumber
int guessResult = 1;
int randomGuess = 0;
while(guessResult != -1)
System.out.print("Guess a number between 0 and 50: ");
// Accepts an integer input from the user
// You can't declare this variable inside the while loop if you want to access it outside the while loop
randomGuess = userInput.nextInt();
guessResult = checkGuess(randomGuess);
System.out.println("Yes the random number is " + randomGuess);
System.out.println(randomNumber); // Random value was changed globally by getRandomNum
// Adds the two numbers sent and returns the solution
// public is the access modifier and means anyone can execute this method
// Java Methods can return any primitive data type, or reference to an object (More on that later)
public static int addThem(int a, int b)
double smallPI = 3.140; // This variable is local to the addThem function
// compare returns 0 if equal | -1 if smallPI is less than myPI | 1 if smallPI is greater than myPI
System.out.println(Double.compare(smallPI, myPI));
int c = a + b;
// return returns a value that replaces the call to this method
// It must be an int since you defined this method returns ints above
return c;
// When you define an attribute / parameter you must define its type
// That's why you can't type tryToChange(d)
// Because this function doesn't return a value return type is void
public static void tryToChange(int d)
d = d + 1;
System.out.println("tryToChange d = " + d);
public static int getRandomNum()
// Creates a random number between 0 and 50
// Since randomNumber is a class variable you don't have to declare, or define its type
// If int randomNumber was declared in this method it wouldn't effect the global variable named randomNumber
randomNumber = (int) (Math.random() * 51);
return randomNumber;
public static int checkGuess(int guess)
String var1,var2;
if(guess == randomNumber)
return -1;
} else if (guess > randomNumber){
var1="Greater than the guess";
int num = Integer.parseInt(var1);
return num;
else if (guess < randomNumber){
var2="smaller than the guess";
int num1 = Integer.parseInt(var2);
return num1;
return guess; // Must return a value of type int