How can I insert splitted texts to my ms access database?
I can't seem to find the logic in it. :(
Please help me.
Here are my codes:
This is where i split the texts that are inputted in textBox1, textBox2, and textBox3
string items = textBox2.Text;
string[] splittedText1 = items.Split(' ');
string quantity = textBox1.Text;
string[] splittedText2 = quantity.Split(' ');
string price = textBox3.Text;
string[] splittedText3 = price.Split(' ');
and this is the code where I will insert those texts to my database:
OleDbCommand CmdSql = new OleDbCommand("Insert into [sales] ([productname], productquantity, productprice) VALUES (splittedText1, splittedText2, splittedText3);
is this even correct? Please help!