Hi, i have a home work to do and is about Array-based Lists and Array-based Queues but i have no idea what goes on with my class since they have put me a higher level that i was supposed to be. Does anyone know any sites to send the hw (free/paid) that will help me? or anyone here can help, i can make a donation.
Thank you

We can all help you and it will be for free. But Dani would sure appreciate any donation you want to give her.

If the class is too high for you then maybe you should think about dropping it and enrolling in a lower level class.

ok, i have attached the homework here, and this is my last class and i am just trying to finish it. thank you in advance,
Click Here

i have no idea what goes on with my class since they have put me a higher level that i was supposed to be.

If you are not able to do what the class requires, then you shouldn't get a passing grade for that class. That's the whole point of grading or passing / failing classes. Why do you think you are entitled to pass a class without being able to do the work it requires?

Does anyone know any sites to send the hw (free/paid) that will help me?

Those two things are contradictory, because giving you a ready-made answer for your homework is not going to help you. We certainly do not condone this here.

We are happy to help with specific problems you are encountering with your attempt at solving the homework problem by yourself. In other words, you have to show your efforts to solve the problem, and we can provide some assistance (or hints) to help you along, but we will not do all the work for you.

understood, thank you

Just looked your problem over ...

This may get you started ...

//5 courses available

//only 8 allowed in each course 
//(so ... in main ... need 5 queue, each of size 8)
// perhaps an array of StudAryQue
// StudAryQue mySchool[5]; // holds all ...
// or ...
// StudAryQue course1, course2, course3, course4, course5;

//first come first served
//a queue is a 'first in first out' 
//(FIFO) data conainer

//a student can choose up to 5 max 
//(different available) courses

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 
- - - - - - - -

first student ...
  2nd student ...

then ...

const size_t MAX_NUM = 8;

struct Student
    // your data, etc go here ...
    string id;
    string course;
} ;

struct StudAryQue
    Student que[MAX_NUM];
    int pos;

    StudAryQue() : pos(-1) {}

    size_t size() const { return pos+1; }
    bool isFull() const { return MAX_NUM == size(); }

    void push( const Student& s ) 
        if( !isFull() ) que[++pos] = s; 
        //else // print some error message ?

    Student front() const
        if( size() ) // if not empty
            return que[0];
        // else ...
        return Student(); // empty Student

    void pop()
        if( size() ) // if not empty
            // your code for pop goes here

    // anything else you may need ...
} ;
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