I have a source code here that counts the frequency of alphabetic characters and non-alphabetic characters (see the source code below).

        import java.io.*;

        public class letterfrequency {
            public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {
                File file1 = new File ("letternumberfrequency.txt");
                BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (file1));

                int nextChar;
                int other = 0;
                char ch;

                int [] count = new int [26];

                while ((nextChar = in.read())!= -1) {
                    ch = ((char)nextChar);
                    ch = Character.toLowerCase (ch);
                    if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')
                      count [ch- 'a']++;
                      other ++;

                for (int i=0; i<26; i++){
                    System.out.printf ("%c = %d \n", i+ 'A', count [i]);

                System.out.println ("Non-alphabetic characters: " + other);
                in.close ();

But, let's just say that now I have the following characters in the text file, "letternumberfrequency.txt":
71 geese - 83 cars - 58 cows- 64 mooses- 100 ants- 69 bangles- 90 molehills - 87 noses

The numbers inside that text file would be considered as strings, am I right?
But I want to extract the numbers so that I can also be able to count their frequency - not as individual digits but as whole numbers (that is how many "71", "83", "58", "64", etc. are there...).
Would using "Double.parseDouble ()" help?

Read the content of the file in a String

String text = "";
String line = "";
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) 
        text += line;

After that split the string into array, and display first 2 character of each element:

for (String retval: text.split("-"))
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