zahra97 0 Newbie Poster
import random #allows a random value to be produced

a = input("Enter name for character 1") #variable verified, reports information to user
b = input("Enter name for character 2") #variable verified, reports information to user

c = int(input("Enter value for first strength for character 1")) #variable verified, reports information to user
d = int(input("Enter value for first strength for character 2")) #variable verified, reports information to user

cc = int(input("Enter value for first skill for character 1")) #variable verified, reports information to user
dd = int(input("Enter value for first skill for character 2")) #variable verified, reports information to user

print("Strength for", a, ":", c, ", Skill :", cc)
print("Strength for", b, ":", d, ", Skill :", dd)

if c > d : #conditional expression provides different arguments
    difference = c-d

else : #conditional expression provides different arguments
    difference = d-c

strengthmodifier = round(difference/5, 0)

print("The difference in strength is:", difference)

if cc > dd : #conditional expression provides different arguments
    difference2 = cc-dd

else : #conditional expression provides different arguments
    difference2 = dd-cc

31.skillmodifier = round(difference2/5, 0)
33.print("The difference in skill is:", difference2)
35.dice =  random.randrange(1,7)
36.dice2 = random.randrange(1,7)
38.print (a, "rolls:", dice)
39.print (b, "rolls:", dice2)
41.if dice > dice2 :#conditional expression provides different arguments
42.     print(a, "receives both strength and skill modifier.")
43.     print("New strength:", c, "+", strengthmodifier)
44.     print("New skill:", cc, "+", skillmodifier)
46.elif dice < dice2: #conditional expression provides different arguments
47.     print(b, "receives both strength and skill modifier.")
48.     print("New strength:", d, "+", strengthmodifier)
49.     print("New skill:", dd, "+", skillmodifier)
51.else : #conditional expression provides different arguments
52.    print("Dice throw was even. Neither player receive any modifiers.")

How do I do this?
Each player throws a 6 sided dice.
• If the scores on both dice are the same, no changes are made
• If the scores are not the same, the player with the highest score adds the ‘strength
modifier’ to the strength value and the ‘skill modifier’ to the skill value for their
• The player with the lower score on the dice subtracts these modifiers from the
strength and skill values for their character
• If a skill value becomes negative, then it is stored as zero
• If a strength value becomes zero or negative, then the character dies.
btw, my code is fully functioning, but I don't know how to do the above. any clues?

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