Hey guys.
I want to read from a file created by me from a specific position. But i don't know how to move the file cursor.
.STACK 10h
text DB '1234567Start:7890.end',13,10
text_length equ $-text
dir db 'D:\myfile.dat',00h
buff db 17 dup('$')
f_handle dw 1 dup(?)
begin: mov ax,@DATA
mov ds,ax
;Create file
mov ax,3c00h
mov dx,OFFSET dir
mov cx,20h
int 21h
mov [f_handle],ax
;Open file
mov ah,3dh
mov al, 2
mov dx,OFFSET dir
int 21h
;Write file
mov ax,4000h
mov bx,[f_handle]
mov cx,text_length
mov dx,OFFSET text
int 21h
;Read file
mov ax,3f00h
mov bx,[f_handle]
mov cx,17
mov dx,offset buff
int 21h
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
END begin
I want the cursor to be on the 8'th position, i.e.
Can anyone tell me how can i move it?