I have a project coming up

Select a Theme and have 50 words associated with it
Words must have a common theme - your choice

Examples: Like Periodic Table Elements, or Sports teams, or Types of cars…
Have one Term describing category you picked. This is the FACE term…

Start Button
New Game Button
Exit Game Button

Level of Play – Use selects at start of game
4 x 4 grid (Easy)
6 x 6 grid (Moderate)
8 X 8 grid (Difficult)

Speed of Play – At start of game, User selects time interval for clicked-on term-pair to display
1 seconds (Difficult)
3 seconds (Moderate)
5 seconds (Easy)

Populate Grid with Term
At start of game – program places the same face/theme term in all squares in the visible grid

If 4 x 4 grid, randomly pick 8 terms, place each image name twice in 2-Dim array.
If 6 x 6 grid, randomly pick 18 terns, place each image name twice in 2-Dim array.
If 8 x 8 grid, randomly pick 32 terms, place each image name twice in 2-Dim array.
The 2-Dim Array corresponds to grid on screen.

During the course of play, the face/theme term in the grid is replaced by a
corresponding array terms, when user selects a grid square

Game Play

1) User selects a FIRST square, the theme/face term in the grid square is replace with correspond stored term, from the 2-dim array

2) User selects a SECOND square, the term theme/face in the second grid square is replace with the corresponding stored term, from the 2-dim array

3) The computer compares the terms for the two selected squares.
If they are the same, the terms remain on the screen and can no longer be selected.

If they are different, the term remain the screen for 1, 3 or 5 seconds, depending on user selection at the beginning of the game. After that elapse time, those two grid terms are replaced with the face/theme term.

all i have so far

need help with putting my themes underneath so when the game starts it is not shown.

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int boardOne[4][4];
int boardTwo[6][6];
int boardThree [8][8];

bool flip4[4][4];
bool flip6[6][6];
bool flip8[8][8];

using namespace std;

    string league[50] = { "Amumu" , "Ahri" , "Akali", "Alistar" , "Anivia" , "Annie" , "Ashe" , "Blitz" , "Cait" , "Cho" , "Corki" , "Darius" , "Diana" , "Dr. Mundo", "Draven", "Elise" , "Eve" , " EZ " , "Fizz", "Gangplank" , "Fid" , "Fiora" , "Garen" , "Garen" , "Grag" , "Heim" , "J4" , " Jax" , "Jayce", "Yi" , "Teemo", "Nasus" , "Renek" , "Nid" , "Ori" , "Nunu" , "Riven" , "Rengar" , "Rammus" , "Shyvana" , "Shen" , "Syndra", "Vayne" , "Wukong" , "Zed" , "Ziggs" , "Voli" , "Trundle", "Xin" , "Vi"};

    string SuperHandV[50] = { "Spiderman" , "Superman" , "Batman" , "Flash", "Galactus" , "Venom" , "Thor" , "Wolverine","Gambit" , "Mystique" , "Magneto" , "Prof.X" ,  "Rocket Raccon" , "The Thing" , "Storm" , "Cyclops" , "Doctor Doom" , "Hawk Eye" , "Joker" , "Dr. Octopus" , "The Beast" , "Human Torch" , "Power Rangers" , "Robin" , "Nightwing" , "Poison Ivy" , "Hulk" , "Cptn. America"  , "Rogue" , "Spawn" , "Scorpion" , "Silver Surfer" , "Spider girl" , "Star Fire" , "Super girl" , "Loki" , " X-23" , "Green Arrow" , "Wonder Women" , "Dare devil" , "Cat Women" ,"Deadpool" , "Iron Man" , "Green Goblin" , "Death Stroke" , "Dr. Strange" , "Carnage" , "Green Lantern" };

using namespace std;

void four (void) {

    int i,o;

    cout << "    1    2    3    4 \n" ;
    cout << "  " ;

    for (i=1; i <= 10 ; i++){
        cout << "--" ;

    cout << endl ;

        for (o=1; o<=4 ; o++)
            cout << o << "|" ;

        for (int c=1; c<=4; c++)

            cout<<" [" << c << "] ";


int main()

    int r1, c1, r2, c2; // rows and columns
    bool flip4[4][4];
    bool flip6[6][6];
    bool flip8[8][8];

    string themechosen;
    string game = " ";

    cout << "Enter any key to continue" << endl;
    cin >> game;


    cout << endl;

    cout << "What would you like to do?" << endl ;

    cout << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "[start] = Start Game" << endl;

    cout << endl;

    cout << "[end] = Exit Game" << endl;

     cin >> game;

    cout << "You have entered " << game << endl;

    cout << endl;



        if (game == "start"){

        string mode = " ";

        cout << "Pick which mode you would like to play" << endl;

        cout << endl;

        cout << "Type in the word that is in the brackets" << endl;
        cout << "[four] = 4x4 ,  [six] = 6x6 ,  [eight] = 8x8" << endl;
        cin >> mode;

        { if( mode == "four")

            cout << "You have chosen game mode 4x4" << endl;

            cout << "choose your theme" << endl;
            cin >> themechosen;


             { if (mode == "six")

            { cout << "you have chosen game mode 6x6" << endl;


            { if (mode == "eight")

            { cout << "you have chosen game mode 8x8" << endl;


   if (game == "end")
      cout << "Good bye :) " << endl;

             cout << "You are not following instructions you must try again" << endl;


    return 0;

Some things I'd suggest:

Use a menu for user inputs at the start of the program and to set up the game.

Use a letter/number combination for the coordinates of the grid.

Use a function to display the grid using the grid size and the array as parameters

If you want the grid to actually look like a grid on the console check out a character map of ASCII characters. 0xB3 to 0xC5 have some characters for making box drawings.

commented: is there any way you can show me just to get an idea how to start it out, very confused at the moment +0
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