Hello so hopefuly someone can help me but i cant seem to find the error and my teacher is in Flordia for the next week so i dont have him to ak for help. So my project was to read input from 11 .cpd files one at a time and then do some simple test on them.
These test where to find the average count of: i's, me's, he's, she's, it's, we's, them's, and's, but's, or's, nor's, a's, an's, the's, and proper names.
The Number of: alliterations, and Sentances that start with the same word.
I belive i know where in my program it crashes (between lines 263 and 268) but i can see why. he is my code and a folder with the files and program in it.
/* Brennan Flory */
/* UHSCSci201N */
/* Gold Team */
#include <iostream.h> /* activates the bus */
#include <conio.h> /* activates keyboard and monitor */
#include <fstream.h> /* allows I/O stream flow control */
#include <iomanip.h> /* setw and other manipulators */
#include <string.h> /* string functions */
#include <ctype.h> /* char functions */
#include <stdlib.h> /* standard functions */
/* File Description */
/* file of words (max=12000) */
/* <cr> at end of each sentance */
/* <cr><cr> b/t paragraphs */
void main()
//Mr. Holdren
int f; // file choice
char fname[20]; // fine name
start: cout << "\n\n\n\n"; // cycle back to here
cout << "Available Files\n";
cout << " 1 itwas2\n";
cout << " 2 author A, Sample 1\n";
cout << " 3 author A, Sample 2\n";
cout << " 4 author B, Sample 1\n";
cout << " 5 author B, Sample 2\n";
cout << " 6 author J, Sample 1\n";
cout << " 7 author J, Sample 2\n";
cout << " 8 author M, Sample 1\n";
cout << " 9 author M, Sample 2\n";
cout << " 10 unknown manuscript\n";
cout << " 11 test file tfz\n";
cout << " 12 Done Testing\n\n";
cout << "Which file? ";
cin >> f;
case 1: strcpy(fname,"itwas2.cpd");break;
case 2: strcpy(fname,"tfa01.cpd");break;
case 3: strcpy(fname,"tfa02.cpd");break;
case 4: strcpy(fname,"tfb01.cpd");break;
case 5: strcpy(fname,"tfb02.cpd");break;
case 6: strcpy(fname,"tfj01.cpd");break;
case 7: strcpy(fname,"tfj02.cpd");break;
case 8: strcpy(fname,"tfm01.cpd");break;
case 9: strcpy(fname,"tfm02.cpd");break;
case 10: strcpy(fname,"unk.cpd");break;
case 11: strcpy(fname, "unk2.cpd");break;
case 12: cout << "Tanx and Bye.\n\n"; exit(0); break;
default: cout << "Not a valid option."; goto start; break;
cout << "File name: " << fname << endl << endl; // Just checking....
cout<<setiosflags(ios::fixed | ios::showpoint);
//inputting file and counter stuff
char cname[70000];
char wname[12000][20];
char sname[600][400];
char wcopy[12000][20];
int ccount = 0;
int wcount = 0;
int scount = 0;
int ii, jj;
ifstream fin(fname);
ifstream fin1(fname);
ifstream fin2(fname);
wcount++; //point at next word
fin1>>wname[wcount]; //get next word
}while(!fin1.eof()); //check for eof
ccount--; //discount eof
wcount--; //discount eof
//copying words
for(ii = 0; ii <= wcount; ii++)
strcpy(wcopy[ii], wname[ii]);
scount++; //point at next sentence
fin2.getline(sname[scount], 400, '\n'); //get next sentence
fin2.ignore(400, '\n');
cout<<sname[scount]<<endl; // cout<<scount<<endl;
}while(!fin2.eof()); //check for eof
char *token;
float pro[8];
float con[5];
float art[4];
float prop = 0;
float allit = 0;
float sword = 0;
char fword[600][20];
char maxword[50];
int cmaxnum;
int maxnum = -99999;
char wtemp[20];
char curword[20];
pro[1] = 0.0;
pro[2] = 0.0;
pro[3] = 0.0;
pro[4] = 0.0;
pro[5] = 0.0;
pro[6] = 0.0;
pro[7] = 0.0;
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "i") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "me") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "he") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "she") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "it") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "we") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "them") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= 4; ii++)
con[ii] = 0;
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "and") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "but") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "or") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "nor") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= 3; ii++)
art[ii] = 0;
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "a") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "an") == 0)
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(strcmp(wcopy[ii], "the") == 0)
//Proper names
for(ii = 1; ii <= wcount; ii++)
if(isupper(wname[ii][0]) != 0)
//sentances with same word
for(ii = 1; ii <= scount; ii++)
token = strtok(sname[ii], " ");
strcpy(fword[ii], token);
for(ii = 1; ii <= scount - 1; ii++)
for(jj = 1; jj <= scount; jj++)
if(stricmp(fword[ii], fword[jj]) == -1)
strcpy(wtemp, fword[ii]);
strcpy(fword[ii], fword[jj]);
strcpy(fword[jj], wtemp);
cmaxnum = 0;
for(ii = 1; ii <= scount - 1; ii++)
for(jj = 1; jj <= scount; jj++)
if(stricmp(fword[ii], fword[jj]) == 0)
strcpy(curword, fword[ii]);
if(cmaxnum > maxnum)
maxnum = cmaxnum;
strcpy(maxword, fword[ii]);
for(ii = 0; ii <= wcount - 1; ii++)
if(wcopy[ii][0] == wcopy[jj][0])
pro[1] = (pro[1] * 1.0 / wcount) * 100;
pro[2] = (pro[2] * 1.0 / wcount) * 100;
pro[3] = (pro[3] * 1.0 / wcount) * 100;
pro[4] = (pro[4] * 1.0 / wcount) * 100;
pro[5] = (pro[5] * 1.0 / wcount) * 100;
pro[6] = (pro[6] * 1.0 / wcount) * 100;
pro[7] = (pro[7] * 1.0 / wcount) * 100;
con[1] = (1.0 * con[1] / wcount) * 100;
con[2] = (1.0 * con[2] / wcount) * 100;
con[3] = (1.0 * con[3] / wcount) * 100;
con[4] = (1.0 * con[4] / wcount) * 100;
art[1] = (1.0 * art[1] / wcount) * 100;
art[2] = (1.0 * art[2] / wcount) * 100;
art[3] = (1.0 * art[3] / wcount) * 100;
prop = (1.0 * prop / wcount) * 100;
sword = (1.0 * maxnum / wcount) * 100;
//Showing Data
cout<<"\nCount of 'I's: "<<pro[1];
cout<<"\nCount of 'Me's: "<<pro[2];
cout<<"\nCount of 'He's: "<<pro[3];
cout<<"\nCount of 'It's: "<<pro[5];
cout<<"\nCount of 'We's: "<<pro[6];
cout<<"\nCount of 'She's: "<<pro[4];
cout<<"\nCount of 'Them's: "<<pro[7];
cout<<"\nCount of 'And's: "<<con[1];
cout<<"\nCount of 'But's: "<<con[2];
cout<<"\nCount of 'Or's: "<<con[3];
cout<<"\nCount of 'Nor's: "<<con[4];
cout<<"\nCount of 'A's: "<<art[1];
cout<<"\nCount of 'An's: "<<art[2];
cout<<"\nCount of 'The's: "<<art[3];
cout<<"\nPrecentage of Proper Names: "<<prop;
cout<<"\nMost seen word was '"<<maxword<<"' seen (%): "<<sword;
cout<<"\nNumber of Alliterations: "<<allit;
Thank you for your help.