Hi again guys!
I was just wondering how to limit the number of values that are printed out on the screen from a users textField..
Like say, if a user put in 4, only 4 numbers would be printed...Im wanting to do this with my perfect numbers applet, so the user inputs how many perfect numbers to show...
At the moment, i can only figure out how to get the maximum number for the appelet to test numbers to...
see what im talking about!
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class ExerciseTwoPerfectNumbers extends Applet implements ActionListener {
Label label;
TextField inputField;
Button perfectButton;
boolean notFirst;
int maxNum;
String perfect = "";
String perfect2 = "";
public void init() {
label = new Label("Enter the maximum number to test");
perfectButton = new Button("Solve");
inputField = new TextField("500", 5);
notFirst = false;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int i = 1;
int perfectCount = 0;
if (notFirst) {
for (int count = 2; count <= maxNum; count++) {
int sum = 0;
for (int count2 = count; count2 >= 2; count2--) {
if (count % count2 == 0) {
sum = sum + (count / count2);
int sum2 = count / count2;
perfect = perfect + sum2 + "+";
if (count == sum) {
for (int ctr3 = 0; ctr3 < perfect.length() - 1; ctr3++) {
perfect2 = perfect2 + perfect.charAt(ctr3);
g.drawString("" + sum + " = " + perfect2, 20, 80 + i * 20);
perfect2 = "";
perfect = "";
g.drawString("There are " + perfectCount + " Perfect numbers from 1-" + maxNum, 20, 60);
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
notFirst = true;
if (e.getSource() == perfectButton) {
maxNum = Integer.valueOf(inputField.getText());
Thanks everyone for having a look!