Hi there,
I would like to ask the Daniweb community what would be the best programming language to learn for me, before you answer can you please tell me the different programming languages there are, and there uses; such as c++ - game, html - web. Then I will come back to you with the type of uses I would like the programming language to do, like lets say I would like to make some games, you say "Okay Reuben, that is a good choice, I would reccomend c++ ....... I am sure lots of other people would agree with me as well" - just an example. I wish to hear form you Daniweb community, and I speak to you later. Over and Out.

Reuben (12 years old, wanting to be a programmer when older) - please don't take my age into a beignner like you should learn python, it is a simple programming language you can do alot with it...

Thank you for your time

C++ is a good choice. There are many programming languages there such as Java , C , C++ ,COBOL , Visual Basic etc. I suggest you to learn C++. Because it is good if you know C++ well. C++ is a powerful language. If u compared it with other programming languages , C++ is easier to learn ( If someone is really interested ) . Good Luck for You :) .

Seems you have a slight preference for C++, and you definitely don't want to do anything in Python. Why don't you just give it a try and see if C++ is your thing. It's like ice cream with a new flavor. You have to try it to know if you like it.
Here is a list of programming languages.
Happy computing :)

Reuben (12 years old, wanting to be a programmer when older) - please don't take my age into a beignner like you should learn python, it is a simple programming language you can do alot with it...

Just verifying, you're 12 years old? Also, note that Python isn't some toy language for n00bs, it's a powerful language that also happens to be clean and simple. That's why it's often recommended as a first language.

Thank you very for reply so quickly(I really wasn't expecting to be that quick!), I'm going to give c++ a shot, can I have a recommened editor/IDE to use for c++ or c... Also I would like it to have code suggetion and completion with good colours and syntax reconising. I have a mac(Sorry pc users :( )

deceptikon, I will try not to say this very rudely (sorry if I do) 1. I am twelve! This is true. 2. The only reason that I find python, html, css, javascript easy is becuase I have learned them. So that's what I didn't want to learn it (again) and I wanted to move onto something more challeging, c++

Thank you (hopefully it wasn't rude) - btw people say I am older than I accuatly am, so that might explain the use of good vocab.

he only reason that I find python, html, css, javascript easy is becuase I have learned them.

Fair enough. To answer your question, I'd suggest Code::Blocks for C++, which has a Mac build.

Thank you (hopefully it wasn't rude)

It wasn't rude at all. Hopefully you'll not take the following as rudeness as well. :) Our terms of service require members to be at least 13 years of age. This is a hard legal requirement, and therefore I'll kindly ask that you do not post again until you're of age. As an act of good faith, I won't ban your account, on the assumption that you'll honor our legal limitations concerning membership.

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