Hi All,

Can you please let me know what these two functions do ? I would want to know for what purpose they are being used?

Kindly help

//CallBack function for EnumChildWindows API call from SetOS2CursorForWindows
BOOL CALLBACK EnumESLChildWindowsCallback(HWND hWnd,LPARAM lParam)

    //Function body modified according to keep the functionalities under the windows platform
    TCHAR szClassName[80]={0};
    LONG uWndStyle; 
    WIN_CTRL_INFO WinCtrlInfo; //for temporary storing of the entry field information in a screen

    if (!IsWindowVisible(hWnd) || GetWindow(hWnd, GW_OWNER) != NULL)
        return TRUE;

    GetClassName(hWnd, szClassName, 80);

    //if (lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESL_ENTRY_FIELD) == 0)
    //if window is an entry field override its window procedure
    if (lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLEditClass) == 0)
        uWndStyle = GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_STYLE);

        if(uWndStyle !=0)
            if(uWndStyle & ES_MULTILINE){}
                OriginalWindowProc  =  GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC); 
                OriginalWindowProcChk = SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (DWORD)(WNDPROC) EntryFieldCursorProc);        

                if (OriginalWindowProc == 0L) 
                    OriginalWindowProc = OriginalWindowProcChk;

                WinCtrlInfo.handle = hWnd;  
                WinCtrlInfo.OriginalWndProc = OriginalWindowProc;

    //else if (lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESL_DIALOG_BOX) == 0)
    //skip the child window enumeration for all other ESL control objects 
    else if (lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLButtonClass)   == 0    || 
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLComboBoxClass)  == 0    || 
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLComboLClass)    == 0    || 
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLListBoxClass)   == 0    ||
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLSliderClass)    == 0    ||
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLTrackbarClass)  == 0    || 
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLSpinButtonClass) == 0   ||
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLUpDownClass)    == 0    ||
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLStaticClass)    == 0    ||
            lstrcmpi(szClassName,ESLEslTblClass)    == 0)   {}
    else //else the window should be an ESL Dialog box
        EnumChildWindows(hWnd, EnumESLChildWindowsCallback, (LPARAM)NULL);

LONG APIENTRY SetOS2CursorForWindow(HWND* WindowHandle)
//Replaced the following code segment with EnumChildWindows API of Windows
//which enumerates all child windows of the *WindowHandle parameter
/*    EnumerateHandle = WinBeginEnumWindows(*WindowHandle);

    for (;;)
        if ((WindowChildHandle = WinGetNextWindow(EnumerateHandle)) == (HWND)NULL)
            break; //no more child windows

        WindowClassType[0] = '\0';
        WindowClassTypeLen = 9;

        WinQueryClassName(WindowChildHandle, WindowClassTypeLen, WindowClassType);

        if (strcmp(WindowClassType, ESL_ENTRY_FIELD) == 0)

            if (OriginalWindowProc == 0L) 
                OriginalWindowProc = OriginalWindowProcChk;


            if (strcmp(WindowClassType, ESL_DIALOG_BOX) == 0) 
            {   //dialog box within a dialog region, enumerate its children

                EnumerateHandle = WinBeginEnumWindows(WindowChildHandle);

    g_unCtrlCount = 0;
    memset(g_ListWinCtrlInfo, 0, sizeof(g_ListWinCtrlInfo));
    //Enumerate the child windows of the window represented by *WindowHandle
    EnumChildWindows(*WindowHandle, EnumESLChildWindowsCallback, (LPARAM)NULL);

    return 0L;

This question is extremely vague.
There are far more than 2 functions in the code shown.

It would be wise to clarify your question if you want any sort of relevant answer.

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