This is my problem i have programmed a little word unscrambler i have a file wordlist.txt in my python folder and this program works just fine and unscrambles one word at a time but i dont how how to edit it to make it unscramble 10 words at a time can someone please help??
ps i want it to print the solution in this format:
word1, word2, word3,.......all the way to word10
here is my code
ps it prints the same solution multiple times

import string
def anagrams(s):
    if s == "":
        return [s]
        ans = []
        for an in anagrams(s[1:]):
            for pos in range(len(an)+1):
        return ans
def dictionary(wordlist):
    dict = {}
    infile = open(wordlist, "r")
    for line in infile:
        word = line.split("\n")[0]
        dict[word] = 1
    return dict
def main():
    diction = dictionary("wordlist.txt")
    for i in range(10):
        anagram = raw_input("Please enter a words you need to unscramble: ")
        anaLst = anagrams(anagram)
        for ana in anaLst:
            if diction.has_key(ana):
                print "The solution to the jumble is", ana

What do you want to do if there is no solution?

I took your code and changed it mildly to give you an idea how to proceed ...

# unscramble a line of words

def permutation(s):
    if s == "":
        return [s]
        ans = []
        for an in permutation(s[1:]):
            for pos in range(len(an)+1):
        return ans
def dictionary(wordlist):
    dict = {}
    infile = open(wordlist, "r")
    for line in infile:
        word = line.split("\n")[0]
        # all words in lower case!!!
        word = word.lower()
        dict[word] = 1
    return dict

def main():
    diction = dictionary("wordlist.txt")

    # enter all the words that fit on a line or limit the number
    anagram = raw_input("Please enter space separated words you need to unscramble: ")
    wordLst = anagram.split(None)

    for word in wordLst:
        anaLst = permutation(word)
        for ana in anaLst:
            if diction.has_key(ana):
                diction[ana] = word
                #print "The solution to the jumble is" , ana
    solutionLst = []
    for k, v in diction.iteritems():
        if v != 1:
            print "%s unscrambled = %s" % (v, k)
    print solutionLst


You could limit the scrambled words entered with a loop.

I liked your recursive anagram creator, but it is expensive because it generates n! strings for a size n scramble. I tested it with

print anagrams("Hi There")

and my reasonably fast machine cried and locked up. :lol:

Another possibility would be to test whether your scramble is an anagram for each word in the list. You could do this by seeing whether each letter in the scramble is somewhere in the word, removing that letter from the word if found. Here's the idea:

def isanagram(source, target):
    """returns True if source is an anagram of target, False    
    # speed-up if your dictionary is large:
    # if len(source) != len(target): return False

    for i in source:
        pos = target.find(i)
        if pos == -1:
            return False
            # remove found letter from the target (non-destructively)
            target = target[:pos]+target[pos+1:]
    return True

In the worst case, this runs O(n^2 * length of dictionary), but with much better performance on average. I found a noticeable speed-up just on this: print isanagram("Hi There", "There Hi")

hope it helps,
Jeff Cagle

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