I used to use Code::blocks and eclipse for code editing, but started to find them slow. I started searching for lightweight IDE's and found that the prevailing opinion is that if you are looking for lightweight code creation you should use vim/emacs, gcc and the other gnu utilities.
I started doing this on my linux box and found it wonderful. Then I sat down in front of my windows computer, installed the core utils, created a custom cmd with batch and installed vim for windows.
My cmd:
@echo off
rem Set the title
title LABinux
rem Set the text colour (this is yellow on black)
color 0E
rem Load into a cleaner directory
cd /d D:\LNX
rem Set console width to 81 characters, height to 80
mode 81,80
rem Set the prompt to current directory> treating D:\LNX as ~
set /p cmd="%cd:D:\LNX=~%> "
rem Call the entered command
call %cmd%
rem Padding between lines
goto getcmd
I am very happy with my setup (despite the fact that HJKL for movement on dvorak is painful!) but there is a problem with it that is bugging me.
My problem is that vim doesn't highlight some of the languages I use very effectively. For example WLPP (a custom language used occasionally by the University of Waterloo) is highlighted horrendously by default in vim. Some esoteric languages and other less-known languages are also poorly highlighted.
I have seen some tutorials on making vim highlight c++ better, but I am wondering how one can set up vim so that it highlights custom file extensions in a custom way.
For example, consider a language where every word ending with ~ should be highlighted differently with its own set of custom keywords. How could I achieve this? Note: I am very comfortable writing parsers and have even written a few compilers before (including a full c compiler, granted with very little optimization).