Here is what i got so far. I got stuck at white-space separated words from a file, convert all words to a single case, and remove any non-alphanumeric characters from both ends of the words. It is to count the number of each word, and then write to a file a list of word/count pairs, sorted by word. dont know what to do. can someone give a ahead start?
i am stuck
#include <stdio.h>
/* counts words in the file */
int main(void) /* C89 ANSI */
FILE *fp;
int r; /* a variable for result of a function, returning int */
size_t n; /* the words counter */
const char *filename = "test.txt"; /* a file name opening for read */
char word[100]; /* an array for the check if a non-empty word was read */
if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: file" "\n");
return 1;
/* if can't open the file for read
then print an error message and return false to the environment */
n = 0; /* turn the counter of words to zero */
word[0] = '\0'; /* turn the word array to an empty state */
while ((r = fscanf(fp, "\t%99[^ \n,]%*c", word)) != EOF) {
if (word[0] != '\0')
/* if the word array got something,
then it was a word, count it */
word[0] = '\0'; /* turn the word back into an empty state */
/* skipping words delimeted by ' ' or '\n' or ','
while file fp can be read, continue skipping
and count every skip */
if (ferror(fp) != 0) { /* check the file for read error if EOF occured */
fprintf(stderr, "error: read file" "\n");
return 1;
/* if there was an error while reading the file
then print error, close the file (because it was opened though)
and return false to the environment */
if (n == 1) /* control "to be" and endings for word or words */
printf("there is %lu word" "\n", n);
printf("there are %lu words" "\n", n);
fclose(fp); /* close the file */
return 0; /* return success to the environment */