how can i convert text to number values like 'one' to '1', 'two' to '2',.....

pls help me...

the bellow coding not working..

is there any mistack in it............


Private Type typLongHandNumber
ones As String
tens As String
End Type

Dim LongHandNumber(9) As typLongHandNumber
Dim LongHandForm(9) As String
Dim teens(10 To 19) As String

Function InitSystem()
LongHandNumber(0).ones = ""
LongHandNumber(0).tens = ""
LongHandNumber(1).ones = "one"
LongHandNumber(1).tens = "{special}"
LongHandNumber(2).ones = "two"
LongHandNumber(2).tens = "twenty"
LongHandNumber(3).ones = "three"
LongHandNumber(3).tens = "thirty"
LongHandNumber(4).ones = "four"
LongHandNumber(4).tens = "forty"
LongHandNumber(5).ones = "five"
LongHandNumber(5).tens = "fifty"
LongHandNumber(6).ones = "six"
LongHandNumber(6).tens = "sixty"
LongHandNumber(7).ones = "seven"
LongHandNumber(7).tens = "seventy"
LongHandNumber(8).ones = "eight"
LongHandNumber(8).tens = "eighty"
LongHandNumber(9).ones = "nine"
LongHandNumber(9).tens = "ninty"

LongHandForm(0) = ""
LongHandForm(1) = "Thousand "
LongHandForm(2) = "Million "
LongHandForm(3) = "Billion "
LongHandForm(4) = "Tillion "

teens(10) = "ten"
teens(11) = "eleven"
teens(12) = "twelve"
teens(13) = "thirteen"
teens(14) = "fourteen"
teens(15) = "fifteen"
teens(16) = "sixteen"
teens(17) = "seventeen"
teens(18) = "eighteen"
teens(19) = "nineteen"

End Function

Function Convert(dblnumber As Double) As String
' for easy of use I will add a place val counter
Dim placectr As Integer
Dim strNumber As String
Dim strNumlen As Integer
Dim getit As Integer
Dim curplace As String
Dim tempform As String
Dim customlen As Integer
Dim isloc As Integer
isloc = 2
customlen = 0

strNumber = Trim(Str(dblnumber))
strNumlen = Len(strNumber)
If strNumlen < 3 Then isloc = 0

For getit = strNumlen - isloc To -1 Step -3

If (strNumlen - getit) < 0 Then customlen = strNumlen - 3
If isloc <> 2 Then customlen = strNumlen

If customlen = 0 Then
curplace = Mid(strNumber, getit, 3)
curplace = Mid(strNumber, 1, customlen)
End If
tempform = GrabLongHand(curplace, placectr) & tempform
If getit <= 2 And strNumlen < 3 Then Exit For
placectr = placectr + 1
Next getit
Convert = tempform
End Function

Function GrabLongHand(digits As String, placeval As Integer) As String
Dim compile As Integer
Dim digitlen As Integer
Dim teen As String
Dim tempform As String
Dim tempbyte As Integer
digitlen = Len(digits)

If digitlen = 2 Then
If Mid(digits, 1, 1) = "1" Then

teen = teens(Val(Mid(digits, 1, 2)))
GrabLongHand = teen & " " & LongHandForm(placeval) & " "
Exit Function
End If
End If
If digitlen = 3 Then
If Mid(digits, 2, 1) = "1" Then
teen = teens(Val(Mid(digits, 2, 2)))
GrabLongHand = LongHandNumber(Val(Mid(digits, 1, 1))).ones & " Hundred " & teen & " " & LongHandForm(placeval) & " "
Exit Function
End If
End If

For compile = digitlen To 1 Step -1
tempbyte = Val(Mid(digits, compile, 1))

If compile = digitlen - 1 Then
tempform = LongHandNumber(tempbyte).tens & " " & tempform
If (compile = 1 And digitlen = 3) Then
tempform = LongHandNumber(tempbyte).ones & " Hundred " & tempform
tempform = LongHandNumber(tempbyte).ones & " " & tempform
End If
End If
Next compile
tempform = tempform & LongHandForm(placeval)
GrabLongHand = tempform
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Label1.Caption = Convert(Val(Text1.Text))
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

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