Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers. Store the numbers in a list and display the lowest, highest, total, and average of the numbers. Plus display enter a series of 20 numberes, find the lowest, highest, total, and average of the numbers in the list. Exit

Start with

Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of 20 numbers.

then post your code in this thread :)

If you want to suggest exercises for novice programmers, you can contribute to sticky thread started by vegaseat for that purpose.

If you want to ask question you need to provide proof of your efforts and specific question.


nums=[(int(input("Give me the number numero {}: ".format(i+1)))) for i in range(20)]
print("Lowest: {}\nHighest: {}\nTotal: {}\nAverage: {}".format(min(nums),max(nums),sum(nums),sum(nums)/len(nums)))

I hope that makes you smarter.

To avoid error messages you should make sure that the numbers entered are workable numbers (integers or floats).

Actually slate's hint works with Python27 too, if you make sure the / is a floating point division like it is in Python3. For Python27 use this line in your code:
from __future__ import division

Finding the lowest, highest, total, and average of the numbers in a list is easy as slate already mentioned. To develop a user friendly way to enter 20 numbers into a list is your challenge.

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