
I have a Blackboard class and an Item class:

    void Blackboard::send(std::vector<std::string> msg, std::string to){
        std::list<Subscriber*>::iterator p;
        for (p = subscribers.begin(); p != subscribers.end(); p++)
            if ((*p)->getName() == to) //check if sender is subscribed
            else{ // reciever is not subscribed
                std::cout << "Can not find " << to << "." << std::endl;


    virtual void update(std::vector<std::string> msg) { //inherited from class subscriber
        if (msg[0] == "throw")
            std::cout << "[" << msg[0] << "] action not valid!!" << std::endl;

in main i have: bB->send(msg, msg[1]); msg is a vector of strings. msg[0] == "use"; msg[1] == "rock"
In console: I wrote :> use rock and system cout -> [use] action is not valid and cannot find rock.

Whats happening? Whys is else triggered??

I forgot that its in a for loop.

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