Hi guys please I need your help. I created application in window application of C# with sql server database(.mdf) and when I installed it to the target computer, it is complaining of:
unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.Synchronization Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache(GAC) first

From what I've just read you might need to intall the version of .NET framework you used to build your application, on the machine you've installed it on as it may not already be installed.

The Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server needs to be installed in GAC part of this application installation in the client (Users Laptop).

The Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server assembly needs to be embeded into your project while publishing. You can set the Copy Local property as True for this assembly choosing the property of this assembly and publish once again.

So this time the Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server assembly will become part of your application. This will make Microsoft.Synchronization.Data.Server assembly as Publish Status Include(Auto) and Download Group as Required in the Publish Property Page's Application File interface.

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