Am trying to compile the following code in solaris 7 using sun workshop 5 below but I keep getting the following errors and have no idea how to fix it.

./timer.h, line 67: identifier redeclared: timer_create
        current : function() retruning pointer to void
        previous: function(int, pointer to struct sigevent {int sigev_notify, int sigev_signo, union sigval {..} sigev_vale, pointer to funct... : /usr/include/time.h. line 139


extern int timer_create(clockid_t, struct sigevent *, timer_t *);

any ideas?

 * (c) Copyright 1993 by Panagiotis Tsirigotis
 * All rights reserved.  The file named COPYRIGHT specifies the terms 
 * and conditions for redistribution.

static char RCSid[] = "$Id: timer.c,v 4.2 1993/05/06 06:43:14 panos Exp $" ;
static char *version = VERSION ;

#include "timemacros.h"
#include "impl.h"
#include "defs.h"

#define TIMER_H_NULL                    ((timer_h)NULL)

int timer_errno ;

 * Create a timer of the specified type.
 * Returns a timer handle
timer_h timer_create( type, flags, errnop )
    enum timer_types    type ;
    int                 flags ;
    int                 *errnop ;
    int     *errp = ( errnop != NULL ) ? errnop : &timer_errno ;
    timer_s *tp ;

    if ( type != TIMER_REAL && type != TIMER_VIRTUAL && type != TIMER_PROF )
            HANDLE_ERROR( flags, TIMER_H_NULL, errp, TIMER_EBADTYPE,
                            "TIMER timer_create: bad timer type\n" ) ;

    tp = TIMER_ALLOC() ;
    if ( tp == NULL )
        *errp = TIMER_ENOMEM ;
        return( TIMER_H_NULL ) ;

    tp->t_state = INACTIVE ;
    tp->t_act = IDLE ;
    tp->t_blocked = FALSE ;

    tp->t_errnop = errp ;
    tp->t_flags = flags & TIMER_CREATE_FLAGS ;
    tp->t_action.ta_func = NULL ;
    tp->t_action.ta_arg = NULL ;
    tp->t_action.ta_flags = TIMER_NOFLAGS ;
    if ( __ostimer_newtimer( tp, type ) == TIMER_ERR )
        TIMER_FREE( tp ) ;
        return( TIMER_H_NULL ) ;
    return( (timer_h) tp ) ;

void timer_destroy( handle )
    timer_h handle ;
    timer_s *tp = TP( handle ) ;

    __ostimer_blockall() ;

    if ( tp->t_state == TICKING )
        __ostimer_remove( tp->t_ostimer, tp ) ;
        tp->t_state = DESTROYED ;

    if ( tp->t_act == IDLE || tp->t_act == PENDING )
        TIMER_FREE( tp ) ;

    __ostimer_unblockall() ;

int timer_start( handle, itvp, time_type, ap )
    timer_h                 handle ;
    struct itimerval        *itvp ;
    enum timer_timetypes time_type ;
    struct timer_action *ap ;
    int                 result ;
    int                 ok_to_start ;
    timer_s             *tp = TP( handle ) ;
    struct os_timer *otp    = tp->t_ostimer ;

    __ostimer_blockall() ;

     * We allow invoking timer_start from within the user-specified action
     * after the timer has expired. However, we do not allow this for
     * timers that have a t_interval (these timers stay at the TICKING state).
    ok_to_start = tp->t_state == INACTIVE &&
                            ( tp->t_act == IDLE || tp->t_act == INVOKED ) ;

    if ( ! ok_to_start )
        __ostimer_unblockall() ;
        HANDLE_ERROR( tp->t_flags, TIMER_ERR, tp->t_errnop, TIMER_EBADSTATE,
            "TIMER timer_start: timer state does not allow this operation\n" ) ;

    if ( itvp->it_value.tv_sec < 0 || itvp->it_value.tv_usec < 0 )
        __ostimer_unblockall() ;
        HANDLE_ERROR( tp->t_flags, TIMER_ERR, tp->t_errnop, TIMER_EBADTIME,
            "TIMER timer_start: neg time value)\n" ) ;

    tp->t_action = *ap ;
    tp->t_action.ta_flags &= TIMER_START_FLAGS ;

    result = __ostimer_add( otp, tp, itvp, time_type ) ;
    __ostimer_unblockall() ;
    return( result ) ;

void timer_stop( handle )
    timer_h handle ;
    timer_s *tp = TP( handle ) ;

    __ostimer_blockall() ;

    if ( tp->t_state == TICKING )
        __ostimer_remove( tp->t_ostimer, tp ) ;
        tp->t_state = INACTIVE ;

    if ( tp->t_act == SCHEDULED )
        tp->t_act = INVOKED ;       /* to avoid the invocation */
    else if ( tp->t_act == PENDING )
        tp->t_act = IDLE ;

    tp->t_blocked = FALSE ;

    __ostimer_unblockall() ;

void timer_block( handle )
    timer_h handle ;
    timer_s *tp = TP( handle ) ;

    __ostimer_blockall() ;

    if ( tp->t_state == TICKING || 
            tp->t_state == INACTIVE && 
                ( tp->t_act == PENDING || tp->t_act == SCHEDULED ) )
        tp->t_blocked = TRUE ;

    __ostimer_unblockall() ;

void timer_unblock( handle )
    timer_h handle ;
    timer_s *tp = TP( handle ) ;

    __ostimer_blockall() ;

    if ( tp->t_blocked )
        tp->t_blocked = FALSE ;
        if ( tp->t_act == PENDING )
            tp->t_act = SCHEDULED ;
            (void) __timer_invoke( tp ) ;

    __ostimer_unblockall() ;

unsigned timer_expirations( handle )
    timer_h handle ;
    return( TP( handle )->t_count ) ;

 * Invoke the action of the specified timer
 * All timer interrupts should be blocked when this function is invoked
 * Returns TRUE if 
enum timer_state __timer_invoke( tp )
    register timer_s *tp ;
    enum timer_state state ;

     * The reason for the infinite loop is that the timer may reexpire
     * while its function is being invoked.
    for ( ;; )
         * This is the INVOKE part
        if ( tp->t_blocked )
            tp->t_act = PENDING ;
            if ( tp->t_state != DESTROYED && tp->t_act == SCHEDULED )
                void    (*func)()   = tp->t_action.ta_func ;
                void    *arg            = tp->t_action.ta_arg ;
                int flags       = tp->t_action.ta_flags ;

                tp->t_act = INVOKED ;
                tp->t_expirations = tp->t_count ;
                tp->t_count = 0 ;
                if ( func != NULL )
                    int unblock_all_intrs = ! ( flags & TIMER_BLOCK_ALL ) ;
                    int unblock_all_but_same_intr = ! ( flags & TIMER_BLOCK_SAME ) ;

                    if ( unblock_all_intrs )
                        __ostimer_unblockall() ;
                    else if ( unblock_all_but_same_intr )
                        __ostimer_unblockall_except( tp->t_ostimer ) ;

                    (*func)( tp, arg ) ;

                    if ( unblock_all_intrs || unblock_all_but_same_intr )
                        __ostimer_blockall() ;
                else if ( arg != NULL )
                    int *ip = (int *) arg ;

                    if ( flags & TIMER_INC_VAR )
                        *ip += tp->t_expirations ;
                        *ip = 1 ;

        state = tp->t_state ;

         * This is the RETURN part
        if ( tp->t_state == DESTROYED )
            TIMER_FREE( tp ) ;
            if ( tp->t_act == INVOKED )
                tp->t_act = IDLE ;
            else if ( tp->t_act == SCHEDULED )
                continue ;
        break ;
    return( state ) ;

thanks a lot

Looks like you are compiling very old legancy c code and like you are using a c compiler.

C does not support function overloading so basically this error is saying you declared the function create_timer one way and now it has come accross another declaration that is different, has a different parameter list.

How to fix? There is no easy fix, time.h is declaring the POSIX defined function timer_create you have code that declares a different function with the same name. Unless there are some preprocessor flags that will change the contents of time.h or the code you are compiling you are going to need to rename the code in the C file you are trying to compile, or possibly exclude it entirely and see if what your compiling can work without it.

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