I want this to keep track of each players turn including the AI. Not the numer of rolls but for each turn till the game ends. For example your turn ends when a 1 is rolled on either dice or both.

import sys
from random import randint
def game():
    playercount = 2
    maxscore = 100
    safescore = [0] * playercount
    player = 0

    while max(safescore) < maxscore:
        if player == 0:
            rolling = 0
            if score < 17 and score + safescore[player] < maxscore:
                rolling = 1
            rolling = input("Player %i: (%i, %i) Rolling? (Y) "
                % (player, safescore[player], score)).strip().lower() in {'yes', 'y', ''}
        if rolling:
            rolled = randint(1, 6)
            rolled2 = randint(1, 6)
            print('  Rolled %i' % rolled)
            print('  Rolled %i' % rolled2)
            if rolled ==1 and rolled2 ==1:
                    print('  Snake Eyes!! your score is set to 0')
                    safescore[player] = 0    
                    player = (player + 1) % playercount

            elif rolled == 1:
                print('  Bust! you lose %i but still keep your previous %i'
                      % (score, safescore[player]))
                score, player = 0, (player + 1) % playercount
            elif rolled2 == 1:
                print('  Bust! you lose %i but still keep your previous %i'
                      % (score, safescore[player]))
                score, player = 0, (player + 1) % playercount

                score += rolled + rolled2
            safescore[player] += score
            if safescore[player] >= maxscore:
            print('  Sticking with %i' % safescore[player])
            score, player = 0, (player + 1) % playercount

def wannaPlayAgain():
    play_again = input('Play again? y/n: ')
    if play_again == 'y':
    elif play_again == 'n':
        print("Answer is not valid.")



first I would add an object to take care of holding the player's turn counts:

playerTurns = [0 for x in range(playercount)]]

And then, wherever a player's turn ends(Keep track of which player is which as well...) simply increment the proper count:

if turnEnds:
    playerTurns[player] += 1
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