Hey guys, seems like im doing something wrong here 2 occurs 4198861 times* in an array of size 100, i need another set of eyes if anyone can point me in the right direction

#include <stdio.h>

void printOccurrence(int countArray[], int countSize);

int main(void) 
    int arraySize = 99;
    int countSize = 9;
    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;
    int number = 0;
    int array[arraySize];
    int countArray[countSize];

    //initialize arrays to 0
        array[i] == 0;
        countArray[j] == 0;

    //random number setup
    srand(time(NULL));//tell rand to look at the clock

    //fill array with random numbers
        number = rand()%10;/* generate a number from 0 - 9 */
        array[i] = number;

    //get the number of times 0-9 occurs in the array
            if(array[j] == i){
                countArray[i] += 1;


    return (0);
void printOccurrence(int countArray[], int countSize)
  int i;
      printf("%d occurred %d times\n",i,countArray[i]);

Line 26 is testing for zero. I suspect you meant = rather than ==

You could have found this by printing out the values of the array after you zeroed it, to check it was being set correctly at the start.

Thanks alot i missed that, line 26 and line 22 change == to =

While I'm here, your algorithm for counting seems a bit excessive. You traverse the array of random numbers ten times. You could just do it once. Something like:

    //go through array
      // increment the right element in countarray
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