theres a couple things wrong with this and i have no clue where to start. like the title says it has to be a really simple mortgage calculator, no gui or any other inputs. not yet atleast. my prof messaged me back saying i need
"1. import goes before public class
2. DecimalFormat num = new DecimalFormat(“$,###.00“); is a declaration so goes with the other declarations at the top of your program
3. When you want to print out you monthly payment you use num.format(mp) to get it to be in the right format"
other than those 3 things nothing else should need to be added, only corrected to get the right answer. which is 665.30 BTW
any help would be greatly appreciated
//lab 2
//Programmer: Edward MacConnell
import java.text.*; //for DecimalFormat class
public class MortgagePayment
public static void main(String[] args)
double mp, //mortgage payment per month
p; //total amout owed
double I; //interest
int T; //time for the mortgage
p=100000; //assign value to total amoun owed
I=0.07; //assign value to interest
T=30; //assign value to time of the mortgage
mp= p*((I/12.0)/(1-(1/(1+I))*(T*12))); //compute mortgage payment
System.out.println("mp is " +mp); //output monthly mortgage payment (mp) using num format }