Hi this is my program,supposed to output all methods ,based on "square" input and based on"circle" output case circle.But in any of the scenario only one function gets executed,What did i missed?

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

delegate int OperationDelegate(int a);
namespace DelegationLAB
    public delegate void OperationDelegate(int a);

    class Program

        static void SquareArea(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("SquareArea: {0}" + num1*num1);
        static void SquarePerimetre (int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("PerimeterSquare: {0}" + num1*4);
        static void CubeSurfaceArea(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("CubeSurfaceArea: {0}" + num1 * 6);
        static void CubeVolume(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("CubeVolume: is " + num1* num1 * num1);

        static void CircleArea(int num1)


            Console.WriteLine("CircleArea: {0}", 3.14*(num1*num1));
        static void CirclePerimeter(int num1)

            Console.WriteLine("CirclePerimeter: {0}", ( 2 *3.14 )* num1 );

        static void SphereSurfaceArea(int num1)

            Console.WriteLine("SphereSurfaceArea : {0}", (4 * 3.14) * (num1 *num1));


        static void SphereVolume(int num1)

            Console.WriteLine("SphereVolume  : {0}", (1 * (3.14 * num1)) * (1 * (3.14 * num1)) * (1 * (3.14 *num1)));


        static void Main(string[] args)

            Console.WriteLine(  "Enter name of the shape : sqaure or circle:" );

            string answer = Console.ReadLine( );
            Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
            var num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            OperationDelegate operation ;

                switch ( answer.ToLower() )
                    case "square":

                        operation = SquareArea;
                        operation = SquarePerimetre;
                        operation = CubeSurfaceArea;
                        operation = CubeVolume;
                    case "circle":
                        operation = CirclePerimeter;
                        operation = SphereSurfaceArea;
                        operation = SphereVolume;
                        operation = CircleArea;
                        operation = SquareArea;
                        operation += SquarePerimetre;
                        operation += CubeSurfaceArea;
                        operation += CubeVolume;

                         operation = CirclePerimeter;
                        operation += SphereSurfaceArea;
                        operation += SphereVolume;
                        operation += CircleArea;


            operation( num );

You didn't follow your own example, in the default case, and add the subsequent methods to operation. Also in the default case you re-initilize operation without running it:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
delegate int OperationDelegate(int a);
namespace DelegationLAB
    public delegate void OperationDelegate(int a);
    class Program
        static void SquareArea(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("SquareArea: {0}" + num1 * num1);
        static void SquarePerimetre(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("PerimeterSquare: {0}" + num1 * 4);
        static void CubeSurfaceArea(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("CubeSurfaceArea: {0}" + num1 * 6);
        static void CubeVolume(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("CubeVolume: is " + num1 * num1 * num1);
        static void CircleArea(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("CircleArea: {0}", 3.14 * (num1 * num1));
        static void CirclePerimeter(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("CirclePerimeter: {0}", (2 * 3.14) * num1);
        static void SphereSurfaceArea(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("SphereSurfaceArea : {0}", (4 * 3.14) * (num1 * num1));
        static void SphereVolume(int num1)
            Console.WriteLine("SphereVolume : {0}", (1 * (3.14 * num1)) * (1 * (3.14 * num1)) * (1 * (3.14 * num1)));
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter name of the shape : sqaure or circle:");
            string answer = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.Write("Enter a number: ");
            var num = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            OperationDelegate operation;
            switch (answer.ToLower())
                case "square":
                    operation = SquareArea;
                    operation += SquarePerimetre;
                    operation += CubeSurfaceArea;
                    operation += CubeVolume;
                case "circle":
                    operation = CirclePerimeter;
                    operation += SphereSurfaceArea;
                    operation += SphereVolume;
                    operation += CircleArea;
                    operation = SquareArea;
                    operation += SquarePerimetre;
                    operation += CubeSurfaceArea;
                    operation += CubeVolume;
                    operation = CirclePerimeter;
                    operation += SphereSurfaceArea;
                    operation += SphereVolume;
                    operation += CircleArea;
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