Please help me here. I am having problem in solving my home work problem in C++. I have attached my home work in a word doucment here. My home work is due on July 13th. I will be thankful. Thanks a lot.

Please don't attach your code like that. Most of us won't go through the effort of downloading an attachment. Your code is short enough to fit easily within the post, as are your homework requirements. There's no need to attach it as a word document.

And no, we won't do your homework for you.

Description of home work

Use the files from Assignment #2, rewrite spaceship.cpp (I have posted this file below) to write a space ship Fighting game.

You must decide whether you want to create a two player game or one player. You only need to do one or the other.

Two Player Game –

Ask each player for his or her name, and then give him starting values for his stats (up to you). Now take turns asking the players whether they want to attack or fix damage on their ship. If they attack, use the roller to decide if they hit and then use their laser power and the other player’s hull strength to decide what values they need to roll in order to hit, then use laser power to decide on damage. If the other player’s damage points goes over his max damage points, then he is dead and loses the battle. Award Laser or Hull upgrades to the winner. Give them the option of playing again.

Example of calculating a hit for player 1

Roller oneToTwenty(1, 20);
Roller damageRoller(1, 1 + player1.GetLaserPower() );
int dmgAmt;
int roll = oneToTwenty.GetRoll();
if( player_2.IsHit(roll) )
dmgAmt = damageRoller.GetRoll();
// Check if player 2 is dead , if so, inform him/her of the
// victory , otherwise continue to player 2’s turn

One Player Game –

Create several different opponent spaceships of increasing strength (at least 6) . Make the player fight them one after the other in a similar fashion to the two player game, awarding upgrades upon each victory.
You may make your game different than specified here, ONLY with instructor approval.

Here is an example of code output

Choose ..

0 - Exit
1 - One Player Game
2 - Two Player Game

What is your name pilot? Chris
Ok, lets take off captain Chris

You have encountered a Nebulan Fleet
What do you wish to do?
1 - attack
2 - fix damage
3 - check stats

You rolled a 9 on your attack
You missed
The Nebulan Fleet attacks you with its lasers
The enemy has missed

What do you wish to do?
1 - attack
2 - fix damage
3 - check stats

You rolled a 18 on your attack
You hit the enemy giving 1 damage
The Nebulan Fleet attacks you with its lasers
The enemy has hit you! Causing 2 damage

What do you wish to do?
1 - attack
2 - fix damage
3 - check stats

You fix 3 damage to your ship
The Nebulan Fleet attacks you with its lasers
The enemy has missed

What do you wish to do?
1 - attack
2 - fix damage
3 - check stats
You rolled a 13 on your attack
You hit the enemy giving 1 damage
The Nebulan Fleet attacks you with its lasers
The enemy has hit you! Causing 1 damage

some time later . . .

You rolled a 18 on your attack
You hit the enemy giving 2 damage
You have defeated the enemy Space Raptor
You receive
a Laser Upgrade
You have encountered a Stealth Interceptor

What do you wish to do?
1 - attack
2 - fix damage
3 - check stats

Your Stats are

Name = Chris
Damage = 4 out of 10
Hull Strength = 2
Laser Power = 3

What do you wish to do?
1 - attack
2 - fix damage
3 - check stats


I am posting my spaceship.cpp, which is working fine. This home work question is just an extension to my files. So, if anybody knows how to get this output, please let me know. My home work is due July 13th.

//File: Spaceship.h
# include <string>
using std::string;
class Spaceship 
            // A default constructor, it takes no parameters and 
            //sets the data member variables to some default values.
            Spaceship(string, int, int, int, int);
            // Get - Set accessor methods for data members
            void setPilotName(string); // Data member for piolt's name
            string getPilotName();
            void setMaxDamagePoints(int); // Data member for Max Damage Points
            int getMaxDamagePoints(); 
            void setCurrentDamagePoints(int); // Data member for Current Damage Points
            int getCurrentDamagePoints();
            void setHullStrength(int); // Data member for Hull Strength
            int getHullStrength();
            void setLaserPower(int); // Data member for Laser Power
            int getLaserPower();
            bool IsDead(); 
            // This member function Returns true if damage points 
            //is greater than or equal to max damage points 
            void FixDamage(int); 
            // This member function Subtracts amt from Damage Points
            void UpgradeHull(); 
            // This member function Upgrade Hull Strength
            void UpgradeLasers(); 
            // This member function Upgrades Laser Power
            void GiveDamage(int); 
            // This member function should add amount of damage points to DP 
            bool IsHit(int); 
            // This member function returns true if 
            // roll is higher than 10 + Hull Strength
            void PrintStats(); 
            // This member function prints pilot name, damage points, 
            //max damage points, laser power and hull strength
private: //Private member functions    
            // Declaration of variables 
            string pilotname; // Variable for pilot name is declared as a string
            int maxdamagepoints; // Variable for maximum damange points is declared as an integer
            int currentdamagepoints; // Variable for current damage points declared as an integer
            int hullstrength; // Variable for hull strength is declared as an integer
            int laserpower; // Variable for laser power is declared as an integer
//File: Spaceship.cpp
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using std::string;
using std::endl;
using std::cout;
#include "Spaceship.h"           
Spaceship::Spaceship(string name, int maxdamage, int currentdamage, int strength, int power)
            pilotname = name; 
            maxdamagepoints = maxdamage;
            currentdamagepoints = currentdamage; 
            hullstrength = strength; 
            laserpower = power;
void Spaceship::setPilotName(string name)
                        pilotname = name;
string Spaceship::getPilotName()
                        return pilotname;
void Spaceship::setMaxDamagePoints(int maxdamage)
                        maxdamagepoints = maxdamage;
int Spaceship::getMaxDamagePoints()
                        return maxdamagepoints;
void Spaceship::setCurrentDamagePoints(int currentdamage)
                        currentdamagepoints = currentdamage;
int Spaceship::getCurrentDamagePoints()
                        return currentdamagepoints;
void Spaceship::setHullStrength(int strength)
                        hullstrength = strength; 
int Spaceship::getHullStrength()
                        return hullstrength;
void Spaceship::setLaserPower(int power)
                        laserpower = power;
int Spaceship::getLaserPower()
                        return laserpower;
bool Spaceship::IsDead()
                        if ( currentdamagepoints >= maxdamagepoints)
                        // if current damage points are greater or qual to
                        // maximum damage points, return true
                                    return true;
                        // else return false
                                    return false;
void Spaceship::FixDamage(int amt)
                        if (amt >= currentdamagepoints)
                        // If amt is greater or equal to current damage points,
                        // currentdamagepoints is qual to currentdamagepoints - amt
                        currentdamagepoints = currentdamagepoints - amt;
void Spaceship::UpgradeHull()
                        hullstrength = hullstrength + 1;
                        //Adds one to hull strength and sets it as
                        // a new value of hull strength
void Spaceship::UpgradeLasers()
                        laserpower = laserpower + 1;
                        //Adds one to laser power strength and sets it as
                        // a new value of laser power
void Spaceship::GiveDamage(int amount)
                        currentdamagepoints = currentdamagepoints + amount;
                        //Adds current damage points and amount and makes it 
                        //new value for current damage points
bool Spaceship::IsHit(int roll)
                        if ( roll > (10 + hullstrength) )
                                    return true;
                                    return false;
void Spaceship::PrintStats()
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "YOUR STATISTICS" << endl;
                        cout << endl;
                        cout << "Your Name: " << pilotname << endl;
                        cout << "The Current Damage is " << currentdamagepoints << " out of possible damage of " << maxdamagepoints << endl;
                        cout << "The Hull Strenght: " << hullstrength << endl;
                        cout << "The Laser Power: " << laserpower << endl;
//File: Spaceshiptest.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include "Roller.h"
#include "Spaceship.h"
using std::endl;
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
int main()
            srand(static_cast<unsigned int>(time(NULL)));
            Roller OneTen(1, 10);
            //Sets the random number generator to generate number
            // between 1 to 10
            Roller roll(1,30);
            Roller fix(1,5);
            cout << "RANDOM NUMBERS" << endl;
            cout << endl;
            for(int n = 0; n < 10; n++)
            //For loop for  n to go 0 to 9
            //Loop will run 10 times
            cout << OneTen.GetRoll() << endl;
            cout << endl;
            Spaceship Boat("", 10, 0, 1, 1);
            //Delcaration of variables
            string pilotsname;
            cout << "Enter your Name Pilot: ";
            cin >> pilotsname;
            // Asks user to enter name
            //Sets the entered name
            cout << "Ok, Lets take off Captain " << Boat.getPilotName() << endl;
            cout << endl;
            //Set maximum damage points to 10
            //Set current damage points to 0
            //Set the hull strength to 1
            //Set the laser power to 1
            //Print the statistics
            //Upgrade hull stregth
            //Upgrade laser power
            //Print the statistics
            //Set maximum damate points to 10
            //Set current damage point to 11
            //Print the statistics
            if (Boat.IsDead()== 1)
            cout << endl;
            cout << "GAME OVER" << endl;
            cout << endl;
            return 0;
//File: Roller.h
#pragma once /* this tells the compiler that this
                                                file may only be included once to
                                                prevent linker errors */
class Roller //Class Roller
public:             //publically accessible member functions
            /* unsigned int is an integer that cannot 
             * be negative */
            Roller(unsigned int, unsigned int);
            /* GetRoll returns a number from 
             * (and including) m_Min to m_Max */
            unsigned int GetRoll(void); /* void here is the same
                                                                                                   as no parameters */
private:            //Private member functions
            // Declaration of variables 
            unsigned int m_Min;
            unsigned int m_Max;
//File: Roller.cpp
#include "Roller.h"
#include <iostream> 
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
// This is a constructor to set the values of the memeber variables using the parameters
Roller::Roller(unsigned int min, unsigned int max)
            // Check to make sure m_Min < m_Max
            if(min > max)
                        /* cerr is a separate stream
                         * similar to cout, but for errors
                         * only */
                        cerr << "min can't be greater than max" 
                                     << endl;
                        exit(1); // end the program
            //Definig variables
            m_Min = min;
            m_Max = max;
unsigned int Roller::GetRoll(void)
            return m_Min + rand() % (m_Max - m_Min + 1);
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