#Author : Bikash Guragai
#versione : 1.0
#email : bikashguragai@gmail.com or bikashguragai@programmer.net
import random
print ("Hello and welcome")
Name = input("What is your name: ")
print ("Nice to meet you",Name)
ok = input("Click enter to move on")
play = input("Lets play a game")
b = input("Think of any Any number")
c = input("Add that number by it self")
g = random.randint(1,50)
print ("Now add",g)
ans = g/2
h = input("Now divide that number by 2")
i = input("Now Subtract that number by the number you guessed at first")
print("your number answer is",ans)
Again = input("Did you like this game yes or no: ")
if Again == "no":
print("Share this to your friends")
print("Thank you")