Can you help me to fix this pls. Ty :) Untitled.png


How are you trying to connect to the database? Is it DAO, ADO? What version? Also, what version of Access did you use to create the database?

Microsoft jet 3.51 OLE DB Provider sir

And what version of Access did you use to create the database?

I dont know sir. How to see if what version im using sir?

Do you have Access installed on your computer? Sorry for all of the questions but it is hard to determine what the problem is without knowing what version of the database it is.

Have a look at these two links that may be able to assist:

Its ok sir, yes it is installed in my computer sir

Try this out

Get an original copy of the previous Access DB that has not been attempted to be open with a newer version.
Open a blank Access copy of the newer version
From the newer version, go to Import Objects. Go through all the tabs and import all objects including macros.
Once it is imported, go back to the DB Options and match the old DB version's Options.

Even if this is the same version of Access, this will improve the DB.
The Repair and Compact does little of either. Using the steps described above, I have salvaged broken databases.
It also compresses differently when the import objects are used.
It has also repaired corrupted controls on several occasions.

Just a note on Office 2013. Make sure the Service Packs are installed. There are pages of known issues for the original version.

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