I am some issues with my homework which is to create a program that reads the csv files to answer the question, unfortunately my gasp of this isn’t as strong as other. However I have written a majority of my code and the idea is clear but it is clear that my syntax is incorrect. According to my assignment I have to answer the question:

1.Count the number of (T's) in the field [correct]
2.How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gas]
3.Find the sum of the values in the field [quant] less than (408)
4.How many values in the 'code' field do not match the format 9999(x9+)9?
5.What is the average value of the numbers in the field [age] in the range (30) and (107) inclusive
6.Find the sum of the numbers in field [length] between (2.482) and (6.428) inclusive
7.count the lines where gas's have the value (Nitrogen) or quant is less than 318

So I wrote my code to the best of my ability. My code is

Stage 2 Function

import string

def getFile():
    filename = input('Filename: ') #the file name should be .csv
    file = open(filename, 'r')
    firstline = True

    Line = file.readline()
    if Line == None or Line == '':
        return None

    if firstline: # I do not want to read the field names
        Line = file.readline() # there is more to read
        firstline = False # so I skip them. the code assuems 

    return file

#Count the number of (T's) in the field [correct]
def calcT(correct):
    global tCount
    found = False
    for ch in correct:#look at each character in turn
        if ch in 'tT':
            found = True

    if found:
        tCount +=1
#How many times does the least common string appear in the field [gas]
def least_string(gas):
    if gas in gas_dict:
        gas_dict[gas] += 1
        gas_dict[gas] = 1
    for key in gas_dict:
        if gas_dict[key] == 1:

#Find the sum of the values in the field [quant] less than (408)
def sum_quant(quant):
    global qsum
    if quant < 408:
        qsum += quant

#How many values in the 'code' field do not match the format 9999(x9+)9?
def checkString(astring):
    if len(astring)  != 10:
        return False
    if not astring[0] in string.digits:
        return False
    if not astring[1] in string.digits:
        return False
    if not astring[2] in string.digits:
        return False
    if not astring[3] in string.digits:
        return False
    if not astring[4]=='(':
        return False
    if not astring[5] in string.ascii_lowercase:
        return False
    if not astring[6] in string.digits:
        return False
    if not astring[7]=='+':
        return False
    if not astring[8]==')':
        return False
    if not astring[9] in string.digits:
        return False
    return True

#What is the average value of the numbers in the field [age] in the range (30) and (107) inclusive 
def average_age(age):
    global tAge, ageCount
    if age >= 30 and age <=107:
        tAge += age
    ageCount += 1

#Find the sum of the numbers in field [length] between (2.482) and (6.428) inclusive 
def sum_Length(leng):
    global lensum
    if leng >= 2.482 and leng <= 6.428:
        lensum += leng

#count the lines where gas's have the value (Nitrogen) *or* quant is less than 318
def calcGas(gas, quant):
    global clines
    if gas == 'Nitrogen' or quant < 318:
        clines += 1

def processLine(Line):
    Line = Line.strip()
    fields = Line.split(',')

    correct = fields[0]
    gas = fields[1]
    quant = int(fields[2])
    code = fields[3]
    if checkString(code):
        global cCount
        cCount += 1
    age = int(fields[4])
    leng = float(fields[5])
    calcGas(gas, quant)

def processFile(data):

    for line in data:


def displayResults():
Stage 1 Function
The number of (T) in the field [correct]:%d
The least common string appear in the field [gas]:%s
The sum of the values in the field [quant] less than (408): %d
The values in the code field do not match the format 9999(x9+)9: %d
The average value of numbers in the field[age] in range(30)and(107):%0.2f
The sum of the numbers in field [length] between (2.482) and (6.428):%0.3f
The lines where gas have the value (Nitrogen) *or* quant is less than 318: %d

## This is the main program

tCount = 0
qsum = 0
gas_dict = {}
answers =[]
cCount = 0
ageCount = 0
tAge = 0
lensum = 0
clines = 0
myfile = getFile()

So when I run the code, I enter in the filename (3215402a.csv). This works out fine. The it returns a whole list of gas

The least common string appear in the field [gas]:['Helium', ' Chlorine', 'Helium', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Helium', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Methane', 'Helium', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Oxygen', 'Methane', 'Helium', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Methane', 'Helium', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Methane', 'Helium', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Helium', 'Methane', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Helium', 'Methane', 'Hydrogen', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Nitrogen', 'Xenon', 'Helium', 'Methane', 'Hydrogen', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Xenon', 'Helium', 'Methane', 'Hydrogen', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Xenon', 'Helium', 'Methane', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Xenon', 'Methane', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Xenon', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Xenon', 'CarbonDioxide', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Xenon', 'CarbonDioxide', 'Argon', ' Chlorine', 'Xenon', 'CarbonDioxide', 'Argon', 'Xenon', 'CarbonDioxide', 'Argon', 'Xenon', 'CarbonDioxide', 'Argon']

The code should print out

The least common string appear in the field [gas]: ['CarbonDioxide', 'Argon', 'Xenon']

There was one point in the programming process where everything actually worked

{' Chlorine': 3, 'Nitrogen': 3, 'Xenon': 1, 'Oxygen': 3, 'Helium': 2, 'Methane': 3, 'Hydrogen': 2, 'CarbonDioxide': 1, 'Argon': 1}

What in the world am I doing wrong? I have looked at plenty of topics on Stack Overflow and used different method, but I either get an error or values won’t returned. What can I look at so that I can fix my code?

Thank you so much and I greatly appreciate your help!

I think you just print out all the keys in the dictionary and not those with lowest occurance in your display results

How do i find the least common string

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