How do you parse repeating XML sub row values in (2008) using XDocument, and Dictionary. In the code below I am able to read everything down to first row of userGroup..
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<userGroup id="XX1" title="MAIN GROUP" orgCode="111" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX1/NANA"/>
I get all the values for the FIRST row:


I don't know how to loop through the remaining userGroup rows to get the rest of the values.
I need ALL of the values from ALL of the rows starting with userGroup.

<userGroup id="XX1" title="MAIN GROUP" orgCode="111" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX1/NANA"/>
<userGroup id="ABC" title="Test Group1" orgCode="ABC-123" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/ABC/"/>
<userGroup id="XX2" title="Test Group2" orgCode="QRX-567" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX2/"/>
<userGroup id="XX5" title="Test Group3" orgCode="BB1" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX5/BB1"/>

There could be 1 to many userGroup rows.
My goals is to be able to read all values and store them into local variables.

Example: Reading all orgCode values from userGroup row(s) and storing them concatenated in a local string variable.

strLocal_VARIABLE_All_orgCodes = "111, ABC-123, QRX-567, BB1"

Sample Code:

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
    Dim result = ParseXML()
    For Each key1 In result.Keys
        Console.WriteLine(key1 & " --> " & result(key1))
End Sub

Function ParseXML() As Dictionary(Of String, String)

        Dim parseValues = New Dictionary(Of String, String)

        Dim doc As XDocument = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                               <sslms status="ok" time="0">
                                   <user username="123456" activated="true" userRole="END_USER" isCustomUser="false" selfReg="false" regDate="2015-01-17T20:08:30Z" siteLanguage="en-US" searchLanguage="en">
                                           <fieldValue id="_sys_firstname">
                                           <fieldValue id="_sys_lastname">
                                           <fieldValue id="_sys_emailaddress">
                                           <fieldValue id="_sys_display_first_name">
                                           <fieldValue id="_sys_display_last_name">
                                           <fieldValue id="_sys_location">
                                           <fieldValue id="_sys_image_url">
                                           <fieldValue id="ccnumber">
                                       <userGroup id="XX1" title="MAIN GROUP" orgCode="111" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX1/NANA"/>
                                       <userGroup id="ABC" title="Test Group1" orgCode="ABC-123" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/ABC/"/>
                                       <userGroup id="XX2" title="Test Group2" orgCode="QRX-567" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX2/"/>
                                       <userGroup id="XX5" title="Test Group3" orgCode="BB1" type="NORMAL" fullPath="/AAA/XX5/BB1"/>

        For Each attr In doc.Element("sslms").Attributes()
            parseValues.Add("sslms_" & attr.Name.ToString, attr.Value)

        For Each attr In doc.Element("sslms").Element("user").Attributes()
            parseValues.Add("user_" & attr.Name.ToString, attr.Value)

        For Each ele In doc.Element("sslms").Element("user").Element("profileFieldValues").Elements("fieldValue")
            parseValues.Add(ele.Attributes.First.Value.ToString, ele.Element("value").Value)

        For Each attr In doc.Element("sslms").Element("user").Element("userGroup").Attributes()
            parseValues.Add("userGroup_" & attr.Name.ToString, attr.Value)

        Return parseValues

    End Function



I'm not sure if this fully answers your question, but looking at the output that you used as an example, the following Linq to XML would be one way to do this:

Dim strLocal_VARIABLE_All_orgCodes As String = String.Empty

Dim doc As XDocument = XDocument.Load("c:\temp\Test.xml")
Dim elList = From el In doc...<userGroup>   'Get all elements for userGroup

For Each el As XElement In elList
    strLocal_VARIABLE_All_orgCodes &= "," & el.@orgCode 'Grab just the orgCode value for element

'Remove initial comma from string.
strLocal_VARIABLE_All_orgCodes = strLocal_VARIABLE_All_orgCodes.Substring(1, strLocal_VARIABLE_All_orgCodes.Length - 1)



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