Hi guys,
I'm currently taking a summer online intro to Java class (using Jcreator) and its kicking my butt! I might have to re-take it next semester to get a better understanding of how it works. I've been working on the same problem for the last 10 hours and I can't seem to make the codes work. Would someone please review it... I would really appreciate any input. ;)
Thanks a bunch! ~LB
Exercise Prompt: You need to develop a simple Student Grades program that allows instructors/professors to enter student information, including at a minimum their names and IDs, and their midterm and final scores. The name must contain at least one character (not a number). The ID must follow social-security-number format. Midterm and final must be scores between 0 and 100. The midterm counts for 40%; the final for 60%. Your program needs to calculate the course score (0-100) and the course grade, using the letter grading scale of our CIS-190 course (ref. Syllabus). Your program does not need to store information permanently, but it must be able to display a well-formatted table of multiple student records entered by the user with the six elements of information: name, ID, midterm, final, course score, and letter grade. You can use the console or a graphical look-and-feel.
What I have so far:
import java.util.Scanner; // program uses Scanner
public class StudentGrades
// main method begins execution of Java application
public static void main(String[] args) {
// determine Student Grades for CIS 190 {
System.out.printf("Welcome to the grade book for \n%s!\n\n",
"CIS 190 Online Java Programming");
} // end method display {
// create Scanner to obtain input from command window
Scanner input = new Scanner( System.in );
String name; // student name entered by user
int ssn; // student social security number entered by user
int grade1; // student's midterm grade
int grade2; // student's finals grade
int studentgrade; // student's current grade
int total; // sum of grade1 and grade2
int gradeCounter; // number of the grade entered
// initialization phase
int total = 0; // initialize total
int gradeCounter = 1; // initialize loop counter
// processing phase
while ( gradeCounter <=10 ) // loop 10 times
System.outprint("Enter student name: "); // prompt
name = input.nextDouble(); // input next name
System.outprint("Enter %n's Social Security Number: "); // prompt
ssn = input.nextDouble(); // input next ssn
System.outprint("Enter %n's midterm grade: "); // prompt
grade1 = input.nextDouble(); // input next grade1
System.outprint("Enter %n's finals grade: "); // prompt
grade2 = input.nextDouble(); // input next grade2
total = (grade1 * .04) + (grade2 * .06)
// determine current grade status
if (total >= 90 )
System.outprintln( "A" );
if (total >= 80 )
System.outprintln( "B" );
if (total >= 70 )
System.outprintln( "C" );
if (total >= 60 )
System.outprintln( "D" );
System.outprintln( "F" );
}// end while
// termination phase
System.out.printf( "%s%61s\n", "Name", "SSN", "Midterm",
"Finals", "Current Grade" ); // column headings
System.out.printf( "%61f%,20.2f\n", name, ssn, grade1, grade2, total);
// end for
}// end method main
}// end class StudentGrades