Can you please explain the reason of the garbage output instead of the each words in the string..

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int count = 0;
//char** memptr = NULL;

char** push(char* word, char** memptr){
 if(count > 1)
     memptr = (char**)realloc(memptr, (count * sizeof(char*)) ); 
 memptr[count - 1] = (char* )malloc(strlen(word));
 strcpy(memptr[count - 1], word);
return memptr;

int main(){
  char string[] = "World has changed your thoughts";
  int k = 0, j = 0;
  char temp[strlen(string)];
  char** memptr = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char *));
  while(*(string + k)){
   printf("%s", temp);
   if(*(string + k) != ' ' )
      temp[j++] = *(string + k);
     temp[j] = '\0';
     memptr = push(temp, memptr);
     j = 0;
for(k = 0; k < count; k++)
  printf("%s\n", memptr[k]);

return 0;

sorry guys, I asked the wrong question..This is actually working properly but the last word is not printed..the reason is that it is not encountering any space after the last word & hence the push funtion is never called from the else part..So please tell me the way to solve this..

Since you have two conditions that signal the end of a word, a space or the null terminator of the string, your if statement has to check for both of those conditions. In other words, you need to change the if from

if(*(string + k) != ' ' )


if(((string + k) != ' ' ) && ((string + k) != '\0' ))

With this if statement, when you reach the end of the last word in the string, it will encounter the null terminator, and the else, with the push, will execute.

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